653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood

[email protected]

Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six


Live Streams every weekend!

Refresh your browser to catch a show in progress!
Visit our Facebook page or YouTube channel!
But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

Saturday, March 15th – 7:30-9:30pm
The Deep End
a quintet
jazz club, when lights are low…

The Deep End started out as a rehearsal band of five long-time Bay Area musicians who hoped to make the best of the pandemic, to explore lesser known music that would be more fun, interesting, and challenging than what we often played at the usual gigs. Drawn to innovative composers—classic giants such as Shorter, Dameron, Monk, and Ellington as well as contemporary artists many folks may not know — their repertoire and the arrangements that evolved over weekly sessions have let them dive into the deep end of this music. Hence, The Deep End: Gerald Beckett (flute), Ari Caprow (guitar), Michael Gold (sax), Ken Lenga (bass), Evan Williams (drums).

$25 cover charge; byob.
Teens and students, $10.
Kids welcome, and free.

For reservations, call the shop at 415-586-3733
during store hours, Tuesday to Sunday, noon to six.


To take our SURVEY, click here, and help the BBCLP get to know you better! As Duke Ellington always said, we love you madly...

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project

Our events are put on under the umbrella of the nonprofit Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (the "BBCLP"). That's how we fund our ambitious schedule of 300 or so concerts and literary events every year.

The BBCLP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit...
[Read More ]


The Independent Musicians Alliance

Gigging musicians! You have nothing to lose but your lack of a collective voice to achieve fair wages for your work!
The IMA can be a conduit for you, if you join in to make it work.


Read more here - Andy Gilbert's Feb 25 article about the IMA from KQED's site

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