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Bird & Beckett Publications
Published under the auspices of the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project, some twenty-odd small books and pamphlets have appeared occasionally since 2010, along with eight issues of the periodical AMERARCANA: A Bird & Beckett Review. Most remain available at the brick and mortar shop and at the online store of Impart Ink, where the books have been designed and, more often than not, printed. The catalog to date consists of the following:
Ramshackle Detour, Michael Koch (2024) 28 pages, $10.00
Dharma Pharmacy & Surf Shop, Kevin Opstedal (2024) 40 pages, $10.00
There You Are, Sarah Menefee (2023) 40 pages, $10.00
Objects in the Square: The Shape of a Moment, Richard Tagett (2022) 20 pages, $7.50
Lost Dance, Norma Cole (2021) 24 pages, $10.00
Low Life, Jason Morris (2021) 36 pages, $12.50
A Cast of Wonders, Clark Coolidge (2020, an ensemble edition co-published with Bootstrap Press) 32 pages, $7.50
Bully Goat's Bluff, Jerry Ferraz (2020) 64 pages, $15.00
Death Under Construction, Ava Koohbor (2020, an ensemble edition co-published with Ugly Duckling Presse) 88 pages, $15.00
Gossamer Nevele Grimoire, Derek Fenner (2020) 36 pages, $12.50
Daily Vigs, Micah Ballard (2019) 36 pages, $7.50
No Right Words, Rod Roland (2018, an ensemble edition co-published with Ugly Duckling Presse) 32 pages, $9.00
What's Going On, Sunnylyn Thibodeaux (2017) 32 pages, $7.50
Time Landscape, J Grabowski (2017) 40 pages, $7.50
Eclipse Babel, Brian Lucas (2015, an ensemble edition co-published with Bootstrap Press) 120 pages, $15.00
from Book of Kings, Patrick James Dunagan (2015) 44 pages, $7.50
Local News, Jason Morris (2013) 32 pages, $5.00
Young, Christina Fisher (2013) 24 pages, $5.00
Stances, Erik Noonan (2012) 52 pages, $7.50
Jack of Diamonds and the Queen of Spades, Jackson Meazle (2012) 20 pages, $5.00
Scoria, Nicholas James Whittington (2012) 20 pages, $5.00
Slough, Nicholas James Whittington (2010) 32 pages, $5.00
AMERARCANA: A Bird & Beckett Review
Number 8 (co-edited with Eric Sneathen) -- WORDS: Steve Abbott, Andrea Abi-Karam, Bahaar Ahsan, 최 Lindsay, Angel Dominguez, Robert Glück, Evan Kennedy, Kevin Killian, Lauren Levin, Trisha Low, Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta, Camille Roy, Jocelyn Saidenberg, Aaron Shurin, Eric Sneathen, Syd Staiti, Kirstin Wagner; ARTWORK: Dean Smith
Number 7 ("Shuffle Boil" special issue, co-edited with Steve Dickison and David Meltzer) -- WORDS: Oliver Lake, Nathaniel Mackey, Hafez Modirzadeh, David Boyce, Howard Eiland, Garrett Caples, David Meltzer, Brandon Brown, Ted Joans, Ornette Coleman (interviewed by Zan Stewart & Howard Shore), Bill Berkson, Jake Marmer, Julien Poirier, Joseph Noble, Linda Norton, Owen Hill, Marina Lazzara, Ava Koohbor, Patrick James Dunagan, Gerald Bryant, Justin Desmangles, Chris Stroffalino, Rod Roland, Jason Morris, Brian Lucas, Alastair Johnston, Francois Luong, Andrew Joron, Marchall R. Trammell, Maryam Ivette Parhizkar, Steve Dickison, Steven Emerson; ARTWORK: Alex Cruse, George Herms, Julie Ezelle Patton, Steve Dickison
Number 6 -- WORDS: Garrett Caples, Tongo Eisen-Martin, Derek Fenner, Jackqueline Frost, Evan Kennedy, Frank Lima, Jason Morris, Rod Roland, Aaron Shurin, Cedar Sigo, Syd Staiti, Richard Tagett, Tara Thomas, Nicholas James Whittington, and versions of Hafez by Patrick James Dunagan and Ava Koohbor; ARTWORK: Will Yackulic
Number 5 -- WORDS: Will Alexander, Micah Ballard, Clark Coolidge, Diane di Prima, Justin Desmangles, Steve Dickison, Sarah Heady, Marina Lazzara, Duncan McNaughton, Jackson Meazle's translations of Gottfried Benn & Elsa Lasker-Schuler, Richard O. Moore, John Sakkis, Sunnylyn Thibodeaux, Nicholas James Whittington; ARTWORK: Ed Loftus
2013 (#4) -- WORDS: Patrick James Dunagan, Christina Fisher, Barry Gifford, Jack Hirschman, Carrie Hunter, Ava Khoobor, Nathaniel Mackey, Jesse Morse, Stephen Ratcliffe, William Rockwell, Rod Roland, Mary Austin Speaker, Elizabeth Witte, Maurice Woods; ARTWORK: Jason Grabowski, Basil King
2012 (#3) -- WORDS: Bill Berkson, Justin Desmangles, Joanne Kyger, Rodrigo Lira (translated by Rodrigo OlavarrÃa & Thomas Rothe), Duncan McNaughton, Jackson Meazle, David Meltzer, Sarah Menefee, Jason Morris, Jeffrey Joe Nelson, Erik Noonan, Cedar Sigo, Will Skinker, Tisa Walden, Nicholas James Whittington; ARTWORK: Colter Jacobsen
2011 (#2) -- WORDS: Art Beck, Neeli Cherkovski, Clark Coolidge, Diane di Prima, Patrick James Dunagan, Naomi Goldner, QR Hand, Ayo Khensu-Ra, David Meltzer, Fred Moten, Erik Noonan, Craig Santos Perez, William Rockwell, Blake Rogers, Waly Salomao (translated by Maryam Monalisa Gharavi), Sunnylyn Thibodeaux, Nicholas James Whittington, Maurice Woods; ARTWORK: Rebecca Ahrens
2010 (#1) -- WORDS: Ammiel Alcalay, Carla Badillo Coronado (translated by Jack Hirshman), Micah Ballard, Walker Brents III, Neeli Cherkovski, Maggie Cleveland, Diane di Prima, Maryam Monalisa Gharavi, Barry Gifford, Jack Hirschman, Joj Kastra/Georges Castera (translated by Baodiba), John Landry, Marina Lazzara, Nathaniel Mackey, Michael McClure, Benjamin Morris, Barbara Jane Reyes; ARTWORK: Michael James Armstrong