653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood

[email protected]

Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six


Live Streams every weekend!

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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

Friday, December 1st – 8:30-10pm
Kazuto Sato joins the
Robinson – Evangelista – Ochs trio
for one special night of music

REOTREO PLUS ONE Donald Robinson, drums Karl Evangelista, guitar Larry Ochs, reeds plus Kazuto Sato, bass Robinson, Evangelista and Ochs tonight invite the inspiring bassist and long-time Jazzman Kazuto Sato to join their free-jazz band. REOTREO has its roots in the three and a half decades-long association of percussionist Robinson and reed player Ochs, who have collaborated in free and structured improvisation in a duo format privately and publicly since the early 1990s, when they first began working together in saxophonist Glenn Spearman’s Double Trio. The Double Trio released three lps between 1993 and 1996. In 1994, the two colleagues joined with bassist Lisle Ellis in the trio What We Live, which released seven lps between 1994 and 2002. In 1997, Robinson joined with Ochs’ long-standing (since 1977) band, ROVA Saxophone Quartet to record their revivication of John Coltrane’s Ascension. From 2000 to 2010, Ochs and Robinson joined with Scott Amendola…

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Friday, December 1st – 6-8pm
Noel Jewkes Quartet

Noel Jewkes, reeds Randy Vincent, guitar Chris Amberger, bass Josh Setala, drums $20 adult cover charge Under 12 free Teens and music students, $5-10 sliding scale read an insightful article on Noel from SF Classical Voice at this link. Noel Jewkes has long been known as Dr.  Legato by his legion of admirers and praised as a disciple in his playing of Pres, the President, Lester Young, so dubbed by Lady Day. He’s been an acknowledged master of the art of swing on tenor saxophone and all manner of reeds for six decades. For this Bird & Beckett date, he’s assembled a beautiful band that spans generations — right down to the young drummer John Setala, just now finishing up his B.Mus. degree in the San Francisco Conservatory of Music’s Roots, Jazz and American Music program, and already turning heads in the local professional jazz scene..    Bassist Chris Amberger…

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Friday, December 22nd – 8:30-10pm
Luis Peralta Trio
with guest vocalist Danielle Perez

The trio returns! Luis Peralta, piano David Ewell, bass Ben Esposito, drums Danielle Perez, vocals $20 cover charge (cash or venmo at the door) byob Supported by Jazz in the Neighborhood’s Guaranteed Fair Wage Fund, and you!

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Friday, December 15th – 6-8pm
Scott Foster with David Boyce and Zori Marinova

Celebrating Scott’s nine-month tenure with saxophonist David Boyce and percussionist Zori Marinova at Etcetera wine bar on Valencia Street, the trio will entertain you at Bird & Beckett as this month’s installment in Scott’s regular third-Fridays residency at Bird & Beckett. Bringing musical wine & roses to you, his adoring fans. Bring your own actual wine, or a beverage of your choosing, and raise a glass to San Francisco’s wealth of fine jazz players. $20 suggested donation; kids under 12 free, teens and music students pay a $5-10 sliding scale.

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Thursday, December 14th – 7:30-9:30pm
Elé Salif Howell Quartet

  Jesse Levit, saxophone Kai Lyons, guitar Billy Edwards, bass Elé Howell, drums $20 cash cover charge or Venmo: @birdandbeckett byob   Elé Howell, a prodigy from a young age born and raised in the Bay Area, names a set of early influences that include his father, the saxophonist Richard Howell, as well as teachers and mentors from the Oaktown Jazz Workshops and Bay Area jazz and African music communities, including Art Khu, Babatunde Lea, E.W. Wainwright, Khalil Shaheed, Larry Vann, James Henry, Jack Dorsey, Sly Randolph and Angela Wellman. Still in his mid-twenties and now based in New York, he’s forged a vital career, touring internationally with Ravi Coltrane and Chief Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah, and working along the way with Stanley Clarke, John Scofield, Gill Goldstein, Brandee Younger, Reggie Workman, John Santos, David Gilmore, Weedie Braimah, Mike Rodriguez, Jeff Chambers, Alex Sipiagan and countless other fantastic musicians. “He’s…

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Monday, December 11th – 7pm
on line only
Poet Qwo-li Driskill plus open mic
2nd Mondays Zoom event

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84350265713?pwd=eE84V3BYdWxiSFBHNHhmdUt1WTUzdz09 Meeting ID: 843 5026 5713 Passcode: 244211 Kim Shuck hosts a monthly (Second Mondays) poetry reading on Zoom with a featured poet or two followed by an open mic. On December 11th, the reading will feature Qwo-li Driskill reading some of their own work, together with guests reading some of Qwo-li’s poems as well. Qwo-li Driskill has long been regarded as an important Two-Spirit poet and academic. Their work has been featured in many anthologies and journals, they have co-edited the award winning Sovereign Erotics; their Walking with Ghosts has been both celebrated and taught widely. We will be hearing Qwo-li’s work read in different voices in celebration of their writing and their tireless commitment to social justice and inclusivity. The work will be read by regular attendees of our zoom and special invited guests.

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Sunday, December 10th – 8:00pm
Tenia Nelson Trio

Denver awardee as The Jazz Journalists Association’s 2023 Jazz Hero! Here in the Bay for jazz business, with a trio date at Bird & Beckett as a bonus! Tenia Nelson on piano Heshima Mark Williams on bass Brother Khalil Abdullah on guitar Here’s her recent Bird & Beckett engagement with her Denver trio! TNT at B&B 8/9/22

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Sunday, December 10th – 5pm
Maurice Tani with vocalist Pam Brandon
and the American Bassist Mike Anderson

A singer songwriter of prodigious talent, with a wry, dark observational streak, delivers two sets of narrative gems, modern myths and fables, in the company of his long-time associate Mike Anderson on bass, and the great bassist Pam Brandon leaving that chore to Mike while she sings like nobody’s business alongside the pewter-throated Mr. Tani! To clarify: Maurice Tani, vocals and guitar Pam Brandon, vocals Mike Anderson, bass Country noir! $20 cover charge; byob Reservations: 415-586-3733

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Saturday, December 9th – 7:30-9:30pm
The Billy Higgins Legacy Trio
featuring saxophonist Richard Howell
a co-presentation with Jazz in the Neighborhood

Three great jazz players convene under the “Billy Higgins Legacy” moniker to deliver two sets of powerful music. When Myron Cohen was setting out as a young musician to play jazz drums, he fell into the orbit of the great drummer Billy Higgins. The lessons he learned under Higgins’ mentorship have stuck with him through the ensuing decades, particularly the value of mentorship and the direct transmission of musical knowledge within the jazz community. He still plays the kit that Higgins gave him back in the 1960s, and for many years he’s kept his Billy Higgins Legacy combo active with a mission to connect emerging talents with the ethics and swing that make jazz a universal treasure. Myron was looking forward to this date in a big way, but a touch of virus has taken him out of the equation for the evening, and Elé Howell is stepping in. More…

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Thursday, November 30th – 7pm
Artist Keith Ferris and writer Lea Smith present
Muni Is My Ride

“If there’s anything we’ve learned about life on Muni, it’s that the interesting stuff happens along the journey, not at the destination. From the nuances of operating a bus on city streets to the small details of our rides and fellow riders, Keith Ferris and Lia Smith have captured the urban humanity within each Muni experience that knits us together.”  —Eugenia Chien and Tara Ramroop, Muni Diaries co-founders. Join artist Keith Ferris and writer Lia Smith, who collaborated to produce Muni is My Ride, just published by Ithuriel’s Spear Press. Also on hand will be Muni operators David Banbury, Mike Gonzalez and Primo Rivera to share some of their stories. Keith and Lia — in his sketches and her profiles based on interviews with Muni personnel and riders alike — show a familiar feature of the urban scene in the kind of subtle detail that expands our perception of a…

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The Shows: November 30th to December 3rd
Thurs. 11/30 at 7pm Muni Is My Ride
Friday 12/1 at 6pm Noel Jewkes Quartet
Friday 12/1 at 8:30pm REOTREO PLUS ONE
Saturday 12/2 at 7:30pm John Calloway’s Fall to Winter Musings
Sunday 12/3 at 5pm SFCM’s RJAM Program Holiday Party

” More fun than you can shake a stick at! Grab a plane to SFO and hop BART to the shop. Or better yet, check in at your hotel first, and ride a Muni bus or streetcar out to the bookshop. The J-Church, running from the Embarcadero out to Balboa Park, near City College, is a lovely ride, and the Muni operator can surely let you know when you’ve reached your destination in Glen Park. Muni is always the thing when you’re bopping around Frisco! Adults! For our concerts, if you bring a twenty and something to sip, you’ll generally be fine! You can call to inquire about a reservation – 415-586-3733. Feel free to do so! Sometimes necessary, often not. It all depends. We stream most of our shows, complete or in parts, so check out the video screen at the top of this web page and you’ll have…

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Sunday, November 26th – 4:30pm
The Cottontails

Karina Denike, vocals Tom Griesser, clarinet and sax Michael MacIntosh, piano Vic Wong, guitar Joe Kyle, Jr., bass Carson Messer, drums $25-35 sliding scale for adults, cash please! Kids under 12 free; teens and music students $5-10 sliding scale Jump jazz, rhythm & blues! The spirit of the ’40s & ’50s with deeper roots and fresh as a daisy! A Thanksgiving tradition at Bird & Beckett. Do come!

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Saturday, November 25th – 7:30pm
Devotional poetry of Kabir and Mirabai
as sung by Jonathan Richman

India’s great poet of devotion and love, Mirabai, widowed at a young age, dedicated her life upon her husband’s death to the worship of Krishna. It was a decision that led her parents-in-law to evict her from their home. She spent the rest of her life traveling from village to village, singing and dancing to celebrate her love of Krishna. The rapturous lyrics she wrote enthralled worshipers then and continue to be sung in India today. Kabir, an illiterate weaver, celebrated both Indian and Muslim spirituality while criticizing each religion’s blinkered believers. His clear-eyed expression, his wit and the continued relevance of his cutting insights led to a body of poetry that resonates still. Mirabai and Kabir have enchanted their devotees and fascinated their admirers for five centuries, Jonathan Richman among them. On tambura, Nicole Montalbano accompanies Jonathan as he plays his guitar and sings poems left to us by…

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Friday, November 24th – 8:30-10pm
The New Squatoolas

Jim Peterson, saxes Scott Foster, guitar Joe Kyle, Jr., bass Larry Vann, drums $20 cover charge, byob A Thanksgiving tradition at Bird & Beckett! The New Squatoolas play jazz, blues & R&B with a deep New Orleans groove. Not to be missed!!

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Friday, November 24th – 6-8pm
Tony Johnson Quartet

Bob Kenmotsu, tenor saxophone Keith Saunders, piano Eric Markowitz, bass Tony Johnson, drums Classic, swingin’ jazz from four master practitioners of the art! Tony Johnson has been on the scene since 1960, and has never stopped. His bandmates are a generation or two younger, with three to four decades apiece in the business, playing at a high level all along the way. Kids welcome! Give them a taste of America’s great art form in a friendly setting. Under 12, free. Pay ten for the teenagers in your care. Adults? $20 will get it! Teens & music students on your own, $5-10 sliding scale. We like to pay the musicians (in fact, we make a point of doing so), and do that with solid support from our audiences and neighborhood donors. Be in that number, when the saints coming marching in! Byob. See you at Bird & Beckett!

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Cease Fire

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Your donation to the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project helps us pay for a multitude of operating expenses necessary to present, promote and preserve local music, poetry, and more.

Help us keep the arts alive and thriving!

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project was created in 2007 "to present, document and archive the creative work of significant living writers and musicians in the San Francisco Bay Area, for a neighborhood audience and future generations," continuing the work we began when the store was established in 1999.

We continue to present a full slate of programming of live music and poetry readings, and produce a literary journal and poetry chapbooks, and we seek and welcome your continued financial support by way of donations.

Click on "donate" in the navigation bar above. Better yet, make a check out to the “Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project” and drop it off or mail it to:

Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project
653 Chenery Street
San Francisco, CA 94131

Call us at (415) 586-3733 to find out how else you might lend your support.


We're immensely appreciative of Jazz in the Neighborhood for having stepped in as our temporary fiscal sponsor for a few months, while we straightened out some paperwork to get nonprofit status restored to the BBCLP. We're happy to say that's been done, and all past, present, and future donations made directly to the BBCLP are fully tax-deductible!


To take our SURVEY, click here, and help the BBCLP get to know you better! As Duke Ellington always said, we love you madly...

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project

Our events are put on under the umbrella of the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (the "BBCLP"). That's how we fund our ambitious schedule of 300 or so concerts and literary events every year.

The BBCLP is a [Read More ]


The Independent Musicians Alliance

Gigging musicians! You have nothing to lose but your lack of a collective voice to achieve fair wages for your work!
The IMA can be a conduit for you, if you join in to make it work.


Read more here - Andy Gilbert's Feb 25 article about the IMA from KQED's site
