653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood
[email protected]
Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six
Live Streams every weekend!
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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

Monday, May 9th, the featured poets are Lisa Rosenberg, pictured at right, and Monica Korde.
Poet, essayist, and recovering engineer Lisa Rosenberg is the author of A Different Physics (Red Mountain Press). The recipient of a Djerassi Residency and Wallace Stegner Fellowship, she served as Poet Laureate of San Mateo County, and is a frequent speaker on the confluence of arts and sciences. Her work appears in venues such as POETRY, The Threepenny Review, Amsterdam Quarterly, Ruminate, and California Fire & Water: A Climate Crisis Anthology.
Poet Laureate of Belmont (CA) Monica Korde is the current host & curator of the monthly series Virtual Belmont Poetry Night. As part of her laureate work, she has launched her signature initiative Project POETRY 360 and frequently organizes community poetry events. She has served on the judging panels of San Mateo County’s Fourth Annual Poetry Out Loud Competition, the 2021 First Annual WordSlam Youth Poetry Contest and the 2022 Belmont Poetry Contest. Her poetry has appeared in print and online on platforms such as The New Verse News, Filoli Winter Haiku, San Francisco Public Library’s Poem-of-the-Day and Speak Poetry. Born and raised in India, Monica is a former educator of English & French, and continues being a library volunteer, a calligrapher, and a motorcycle enthusiast.
We hope you’ll tune in at 7 for the reading and stay for the open mic. For an in-store poetry reading with featured readers and an open, join us on the first Thursday of each month in the shop, at 653 Chenery Street, two blocks from the Glen Park BART station. Jerry Ferraz and Michael Koch book and co-host the in-store monthly series.
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