653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood
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Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six
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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!
Independent reporter Denise Sullivan brings the SF Lives series to Bird & Beckett for a Sunday morning livestream. This month’s guest is Dee Allen, launching his 10th volume of poetry, The Mansion: Liberated Zones Inside The Controlled Inner City (Gnashing Teeth Publishing).”Named in honour of his first real home in the Bay Area, The Mansion covers Allen’s first five years surviving homelessness in San Francisco by squatting numerous buildings, whether long-abandoned or new ones under construction.”
Allen is an African-Italian performance poet based in Oakland, California. Active in creative writing & Spoken Word since the early 1990s, he’s the author of 10 books–Boneyard, Unwritten Law, Stormwater, Skeletal Black, Elohi Unitsi, Rusty Gallows: Passages Against Hate, Plans, Crimson Stain, Discovery and his newest, The Mansion–with 78 anthology appearances under his figurative belt so far.
The SFLives Project, a series of candid conversations with San Francisco’s artists, activists and free thinkers, was conceived as a print media column by Denise Sullivan for the San Francisco Examiner where it ran from 2018-2022, then transitioned into a live-streamed conversation, produced by Jenna Littlejohn, for Bird & Beckett. Past editions are archived on our YouTube channel.SF
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The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project
Our events are put on under the umbrella of the nonprofit Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (the "BBCLP"). That's how we fund our ambitious schedule of 300 or so concerts and literary events every year.
The BBCLP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit...
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The Independent Musicians Alliance
Gigging musicians! You have nothing to lose but your lack of a collective voice to achieve fair wages for your work!
The IMA can be a conduit for you, if you join in to make it work.
Read more here - Andy Gilbert's Feb 25 article about the IMA from KQED's site