653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood
Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six
Live Streams every weekend!
Refresh your browser to catch a show in progress!
Visit our Facebook page or YouTube channel!
But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!
Barshay/Atwal/Levin: A Trio
Bassist Peter Barshay has recorded, performed and toured with an impressive range of musicians during his career spanning five decades. He began that career in the San Francisco Bay Area, moving east in 1978 to join the dynamic New York City jazz scene. During his 17-year New York residency, he performed with a long list of top-name jazz artists. Back on the San Francisco scene and touring internationally in the 25-plus years since 1995, Peter is one of the great voices on his instrument anywhere, working in settings from concert halls to festival stages to small clubs and bars…to the bookshop cum jazz club known as Bird & Beckett in San Francisco. For this date, he’s enlisted the drummer Hamir Atwal and the pianist Grant Levin, two young and fully matured jazz musicians also comfortable playing at all the levels that live jazz offers the musicians and their audiences.
Audiences welcome in the shop – door opens at 7:20 for the 7:30 show. $20 cover charge; byob.
View our live streams on our YouTube channel and our Facebook page. $10 voluntary cover charge, payable by phone (415-586-3733), email (birdbeckett@yahoo.com), Paypal, Venmo and the Cash app.
We pay a “guaranteed fair wage”
of $150 to each musician performing
in our Friday and Saturday evening concerts
and you are the first ones we look to in order
to get that money together, so please do what you can!
We are extremely grateful as well to the many individuals
in the community who donate to our nonprofit
Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (the “BBCLP”)
to help us build up the general fund from which
we augment audience donations when necessary!
Monthly donations are particularly helpful.
Donate to the BBCLP at this link to further our work!
Any questions?
Email birdbeckett@yahoo.com or call us at 415-586-3733!
We also thank and gratefully acknowledge
the City & County of San Francisco’s Grants for the Arts
for operating support of the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project!
To take our SURVEY, click here, and help the BBCLP get to know you better! As Duke Ellington always said, we love you madly...
The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project
Our events are put on under the umbrella of the nonprofit Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (the "BBCLP"). That's how we fund our ambitious schedule of 300 or so concerts and literary events every year.
The BBCLP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit...
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The Independent Musicians Alliance
Gigging musicians! You have nothing to lose but your lack of a collective voice to achieve fair wages for your work!
The IMA can be a conduit for you, if you join in to make it work.
Read more here - Andy Gilbert's Feb 25 article about the IMA from KQED's site