653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood
[email protected]
Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six
Live Streams every weekend!
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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!
Wednesday, August 5th – 7 pm
Art opening! Gallery Ex Libris
Cecilia Cacciatore: The Life & Times of an Aesthete – digital and instant photography
Come to the shop Wednesday night at 7 to hang with photographer/artist Cecilia Cacciatore, whose work will grace Gallery Ex Libris for the next month. Â Poet (and B&B keystone) Jenna Littlejohn provides poetic monograms to go with the photos. Â She’ll be here too. Â You’ll have fun. Â Don’t stay home!
Monday, August 3rd – 7pm
Casey Newbegin & Jenna Littlejohn
Join us in hearing two new, young, and vibrant poetic voices! As usual the readings will be followed by an open mic. Casey Elizabeth Newbegin lives in Austin, Texas where she attends the UT School of Information. She holds a BA in English from Lewis & Clark College. She was born and raised in California….
Sunday, August 2nd – 4:30-6:30 pm
Montara Mountain Boys
which way west?
Twang from the Mountaintop! The Montara Mountain Boys take the stage in our weekly which way west? series this Sunday. They’ll put a little twang in your life for sure.  Toe-tapping good times delivered by Paul H. Taylor, the group’s founder, lead songwriter, vocals; Nick Evanson, songwriter, vocals, guitar & mandolin; Kenneth M. Sailors, songwriter, guitar, dobro, national steel &…
Sunday, August 2nd – 2 pm
Diamond Dave talks Hipstory
Context is everything! Three generations — the beatniks, the hippies, the punks –Â tied together by one who has been riding through it with his eyes open & his heart big. Dave is the guy who hipped Dylan to Woody Guthrie back in Dinkytown, hard by the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis/St. Paul and he’s a…
Saturday, August 1st – 7:30-10 pm
jazz club! when lights are low…
The Smith Dobson Quartet
As serious as your life! And the happiest you could ever be! Â Richard Sears, piano, is up from L.A. for the date, joining local heroes John Wiitala on bass and Evan Hughes on drums, under the capable, nay, inspired leadership of Smith Dobson V on vibes. Does it get any better? Nah, it’s just…
Friday, July 31st – 5:30-8:00 pm
The Don Alberts Trio
jazz in the bookshop every Friday!
Pianist Don Alberts has the bebop knowledge and technique we love so well at Bird & Beckett, as well as being a prolific composer, a versatile poet, a fiction writer and a documentarian. Don has recorded several cds and has published many volumes of his compositions. His books include A Diary of the Underdogs: San…
Tuesday, July 28th – 6:30 pm
from Book of KingsPatrick James Dunagan & Friends
Hear Patrick James Dunagan read from his new poetry chapbook, from Book of Kings, Tuesday evening, 7pm.  It’s a beautiful piece of work from Bird & Beckett, designed and printed at Impart Ink, an errant press. Inscrutable on the surface, but completely approachable at the same time. And he’s joined by two marvelous compatriots in the…
Monday, July 27th – 7 pm
Film docs on Cuba!
Filmmaker Juanita Cordones-Cook
A program of short film documentaries on Afro-Cuban culture by Juanamaria Cordones-Cook. Professor Cordones-Cook (Romance Languages, University of Missouri) is an award winning documentary filmmaker who has filmed over 100 hours of events in Cuba, the USA, and Canada on topics related to the Afro-Romance Diaspora culture and literature, such as conferences, interviews, ritual dances, and…
Sunday, July 26th – 4:30-6:30 pm
Celebrate Avotcja’s 74th birthday
with Modúpue!
Avotcja—one of our very favorite musicians and culture warriors, and a bona fide jazz legend—kicks off Bird & Beckett’s Sunday music series in January every year in performance with her band, Modúpue.  And we were proud to host her here just a few months ago to receive an award from the Jazz Journalists Association —…
Sunday, July 26th – 2 pm
Talking Back: Voices of Color
A new anthology of social justice essays, edited by radical poet and Glen Park neighbor Nellie Wong, will be showcased at Bird & Beckett this Sunday, with readings by contributors on critical issues of the day — education, racism, immigration, LGBT, the penal system, feminism. 50 essays grouped in sections that include: Reading, Writing —…