653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood

[email protected]

Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six


Live Streams every weekend!

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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

jazz club… when lights are low
The Love Gangsters
Saturday, January 31st – 8-11 pm

Straight out of North Beach… The Love Gangsters! Are you ready, Glen Park? Hell yes, you are…    


Friday, January 30th – 5:30-8:00 pm
jazz in the bookshop special!
Guitarist Howard Alden!

Howard Alden, passing through from his home in New York City, plays Bird & Beckett’s Friday evening jazz party in a trio format with local heroes and long-time associates Vince Lateano on drums and Peter Barshay on bass. Howard is one of the great jazz guitarists of our era.  In the late 1970s, at the tender…


Monday, January 26th – 7 pm
Health Insurance Workshop
Covered California!

Karen Lipney conducts a workshop to help you sign up for insurance before the February 15 deadline.  Bring your questions and quandaries, but rest assured it’s not rocket science!


Sunday, January 25th – 4:30-6:30 pm
Dave Rocha Quartet

  Pianist Gaea Schell, bassist Fred Randolph & drummer Tony Johnson join Dave Rocha, one of the Bay Area’s top jazz trumpet players, in our Sunday afternoon which way west? concert series, now in its sixth year of weekly sessions. Dave has worked in the New York big bands of Lionel Hampton and Machito, and with the Latin/Salsa…


Sunday, Jan. 25th at 2:30 pm
Walker Talks! on Marsilio Ficino,
musician and philosopher
of the Renassiance

Walker Brents III continues his exploration of the mystical side of the Renaissance, with a talk on Marsilio Fichino, a musician and philosopher whose symbolic thought contributes greatly to contemporary poetic speech.


Friday, January 23rd – 5:30-8:00 pm
jazz in the bookshop
Chuck Peterson Quintet
with vocalist Dorothy Lefkovis

The original recipe!  Five musicians, great bebop, swinging vocals.  These guys and Dorothy have all been solid senders since the early 1950s, and know their stuff.  Come find out just how sweet & swinging it can be.  Donate what you can to help us pay the band, have a glass of wine or a beer, and…


Monday, January 19th — 7 pm
Poets Vincent Lombardo
and Jane Rades
open mic follows

Vincent Lombardo, a New Yorker out of Milan, will be joined by local poet Jane Rades for a reading January 19th, followed by an open mic. Lombardo’s poems have recently been included in the issue dedicated to contemporary poets in ‘Poets and Poetry’, Italy’s national magazine published in Rome. His work has included the cycles ‘Trees…


Sunday, January 18th – 4:30-6:30 pm
which way west? Sunday concert series
The Billy Higgins Legacy Band

Drummer Myron Cohen carries the spirit of the late Billy Higgins into the present day, with joy and a propulsive and irresistible beat.  He has partnered with so many fine players and has taken so many young talents under his wing in his desire to be true to Higgins’ spirit.  Today, saxophonist Steve Heckman, a major…


Saturday, January 17th – 8-11 pm
jazz club… when lights are low
The Kenny Hawkins Quartet

Bassist Heshima Mark Williams presents The Kenny Hawkins Quartet Kenny Hawkins on sax; Muziki Roberson on keyboards; Heshima on bass; and Michael Spencer on drums. When his busy traveling schedule allows, Heshima books our third Saturday jazz club dates.  This week he’s arranged for Kenny Hawkins to bring in a quartet.  A detailed bio on Kenny can be…


Friday, January 16th – 5:30-8 pm
jazz in the bookshop — every Friday!
The Scott Foster Trio

Scott Foster, guitar. Lorenzo Farrell, organ. Omar Aran, drums. On the third Friday of each month, Scott Foster puts together an ensemble for our end-of-the-work-week jazz party.  This month he’s concocted a sweet little organ trio that will put you right back in the late 50s lounge territory of the great Jimmy Smith.  A guaranteed…