653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood

[email protected]

Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six


Live Streams every weekend!

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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

Jon Frank Quintet – Sunday, Apr. 14 at 4:30

Terry Rodriguez, piano, and Ron Crotty, bass, join drummer Jon Frank, with Joe De Andreis on tenor sax and Noah Frank on trumpet… straight ahead jazz, traversing the territory characterized by the modes and changes of Bill Evans, Miles Davis and the modern masters of the music. Bassist Ron Crotty’s career started with the first Dave…


Happy Birthday, Sam!

Friday, April 12th, apres le jazz, beginning at 8:30 pm… Come to a celebration for Samuel Beckett’s birthday (born April 13, 1906 in Foxrock, Ireland…died December 22, 1989 in Paris)! Scott Baker, Val Fachman and some of the good thespians from PUS Theatre Company will take the stage with a few gems they’ve polished up for their…


Bring me the head of Charles Bukowski!
Linda King delivers the goods
Sunday, March 3rd at 2 pm

Linda King has sculpted from life the heads of many great beat and post-beat literary figures familiar to us here on the west coast… her lover Charles Bukowski as well as Ferlinghetti, Hirschman, Micheline, Norse, Winans and more. Buk’s head is in the window at Bird & Beckett for the next few weeks… Linda just brought it this…


Sunday, March 3rd at 4:30 pm:
Skin & Bone, a jazz quartet

Sunday, March 3rd – 4:30-6:30 pm. Skin & Bone. which way west? Sunday concert series. All ages welcome! No cover charge, but your generous donations make it possible for us to pay the musicians. Ian Dogole and Max Perkoff co-lead this quartet:  Dogole on a variety of drums (hence, skin) and Perkoff on trombone (viz,…


March Muchness…

Plenty on tap at the bookshop, so cancel all other plans, pray for rainy weather on all March Sunday afternoons so you’re not tempted by the hiking trails, and set your galoshes by the door for the trek down to the book shop… come in like a lamb and we’ll send you out like a…


Sunday, February 24th: Double Bill!
Walker Talks! at 2:30 pm on
“Whitman & the Poetics of Democracy”
and the Russo/Alberts Trio at 4:30 pm

Sunday, Feb. 24 – 2:30 pm: Walker Talks! a monthly series. Walker Brents III on “Walt Whitman & the Poetics of Democracy” followed by: Sunday, Feb. 24 – 4:30-6:30 pm. The Russo/Alberts Trio with Art Lewis. which way west? Sunday concert series. All ages welcome! No cover charge, but your generous donations make it possible…


Thursday, Feb. 21st, 7 pm: POETS!
Dan Liberthson & Kent Leatham featured
Open mic follows

Quhat drowsie sleepe doth syle your eyes allace Ye sacred brethren of Castalian band Since the earliest days of the store, back in the late 20th century, Jerry Ferraz, peripatetic troubadour & bard, has been the cornerstone of our poetry readings — participating in the first triple bill of poets and hosting our ongoing series…


Friday, February 22nd
The 230 Jones Street Local 6
Literary Jazz Band
jazz in the bookshop
every Friday evening, 5:30 to 8:00 pm

This week:  The 230 Jones Street, Local 6 Literary Jazz Band — also known as The Chuck Peterson Quintet. Series founder Chuck Peterson is out this week as he gets his chops back together after some minor dental work, but Frank Phipps will be ably subbing for him.  And singer Dorothy Lefkovits has got somewhere…


Sunday, Feb. 17th at 2 pm
A Kelly’s Cove Showcase
with poet Genine Lentine
& short story writer Daniel Coshnear

Kelly’s Cove has been putting out the most lovely run of books since publisher Bart Schneider got the itch to merge intriguing California writing and intriguing California art in beautifully crafted volumes… The books just feel good, as they arouse your curiosity and kindle the desire to crack them open and begin to absorb what…


Sunday, February 17th – 4:30 p.m.
Triple Chicken Foot
SF Bluegrass & Old-Time Festival!

Closing day of the San Francisco Bluegrass & Old-Time Festival! Triple Chicken Foot (from L.A.) plays Bird & Beckett! No cover charge, but we’ll be sure to ask you to help us pay the bands and we surely hope you will! Expect very limited seating and a big ol’ crowd and a very, very good…