653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood

[email protected]

Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six


Live Streams every weekend!

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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

Friday, July 21st – 5:30-8:00 pm
jazz in the bookshop every Friday since 2002!
Tonight! A Cuban Excursion with the Scott Foster Trio

Guitarist Scott Foster will be fresh back from Havana for tonight’s show, so he’s enlisted bassist Adam Gay and drummer Omar Aran to play two sets of music drawing on his experience there!  

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Thursday, July 20th – 7:30-9:30 pm
canyon moonlight series —
occasional Thursday and Sunday nights

Delta blues juggernaut… a howling wind of sound and rhythm Joshua Howell gtr, harp, vocal Pete Devine drums, washboard, jug Joe Kyle, Jr. bass Read up on the band here  http://www.howelldevine.com/about.html Seek out their records read about those here Then come hear them live. You’ll never be the same again!

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Monday, July 17th – 7-9 pm
POETS! every 1st & 3rd Monday
Songsters Nancy Calef & Jerry Ferraz
Two featured songsters followed by an open mic

Nancy Calef is best known in North Beach and internationally as a painter–for good reason, witness the canvas above! She’s also a songwriter and singer and clearly much more. Jerry Ferraz is a modern troubadour, uncanny in his channeling of a tradition that reaches back centuries and across continents. He’s also been the host of our bi-monthly poetry sessions since the inception of the store back before the turn of the century. Nancy and Jerry will both be devoting their time on the Bird & Beckett stage tonight to their songs. An open mic will follow for poets, songwriters and singers alike. We have a good piano, and you’re free to put it to good use if that’s your inclination. The culture thanks you. We thank you. See you Monday night! check this link for more info on Nancy and her book, Peoplescapes: My Story from Purging to Painting  

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Sunday, July 16th – 4:30-6:30 pm
Nova Jazz & Friends
which way west? Sunday concert series

Nova Jazz is Daniel Heffez, saxophone Bob Brumbeloe, guitar Ollie Dudek, bass Omar Aran, drums This afternoon they’re joined by some of our favorite poets — Jennifer Barone, Ingrid Kerr, Pablo Rosales and James Ellis — for a rich feast of music and the word! Visit this link to listen to the Nova Jazz album and for more information on the band. http://novajazzonline.com/music    

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Sunday, July 16th – 2 pm
Philip Kobylarz: Miscellany of Diverse Things
with Sabrina Barreto!
word jazz!

Philip Kobylarz is an itinerant teacher of the language arts and writer of fiction, journalism, poetry, book reviews, and essays. He has been a journalist, a film critic, a veterinarian’s assistant, a deliverer of furniture, and by default, an ascetic. His work appears in such publications as Paris Review, Poetry, The Best American Poetry series, Massachusetts Review, and New American Writing. His first book, Zen-inspired poems concerning life in the south of France, is entitled rues. His second book, short stories and a novella, is titled Now Leaving Nowheresville. His book-length essay about the city of Marseille & Provence that is a response to Baudrillard’s seminal text America is forthcoming from Truth Serum Press of Adelaide, Australia. He lives ever so temporarily in the east bay of San Francisco. OUT NOW & COMING SOON TO BIRD & BECKETT BETWEEN COVERS AND VIA THE MOUTH OF PHILIP KOBYLARZ, LIVE AND IN PERSON SUNDAY JULY 16 AT 2p,: A Miscellany of Diverse Things…

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Saturday, July 15th – 7:30-10:00 pm
Larry Dunlap Trio featuring vocalist Bobbe Norris
jazz club! when lights are low…

Larry Dunlap, piano Chuck Bennett, bass Akira Tana, drums feat. Bobbe Norris, vocal $15 cover charge. Larry Dunlap and Bobbe Norris have been performing together since the late 1970s (and have been married since about the same time).  Born in the Bay Area, Bobbe was sitting in at the Fillmore District’s Bop City in the 1950s while still a teen and, “discovered” by John Hammond of Columbia Records, began to build a strong reputation and career in New York in the ’60s before leaving the business and heading back west.  Her partnership with Larry brought her back to the mic, and together they’ve been a strong draw in clubs, cabarets and concert halls for decades. Larry entered the jazz business in Portland, playing with Leroy Vinnegar and Ralph Towner, before coming down to the Bay Area.  Beginning in about 1980, he toured for nearly three decades with Cleo Laine and John Dankworth.  Along the way, he has also performed with Ernestine…

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Friday, July 14th – 5:30-8 pm
Henry Hung plays a date for Jimmy!
Bebop in the bookshop — every Friday since 2002

Henry Hung, trumpet; Grant Levin, piano; Josh Tower, bass; Omar Aran, drums. jazz at bird & beckett wouldn’t be what it is without the musicians who kicked it into gear and kept it going for years! R.I.P,  Jimmy! Jimmy Ryan passed away in July 2015 and will always be missed! Henry Hung will make sure we don’t miss the bebop! R.I.P, Jimmy!!!

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Thursday, July 13th – 7:30-9:30 pm
Potrero Hillbillies
play Bird & Beckett in the canyon moonlight…

Joe Cunningham, Christopher Gray and J. Raoul Brody sing songs of ramshackle urban disjuncture. Cheerfully enough! It all started with their fixation on the Kinks’ album, “Muswell Hillbillies,” memorably evoked in performances at Bird & Beckett and other fine venues a year or so ago… but there’s plenty more modern desolation to feed the preoccupations of the Potrero Hillbillies, so it’s time for another show. (Also, it’s transcendent, which can’t really go out of style, can it?) Joe Cunningham, a native of Flint, Michigan, is thrilled to think that his suite of songs set in Flint, “Michigan Winter,” will need no more introduction than the recent blizzard of international news items. Lucky enough to be a member of the Potrero Hillbillies, Joe feels that Bird and Beckett is the perfect setting for the international debut of these songs betraying confidences about the lives of friends and family members too far…

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Sunday, July 9th – 7:30-9:30 pm –$10 cover
…2,3,4: The Grant Levin Duo feat. Kash Killion, bass

Pianist Grant Levin leads duo, trio and quartet dates on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays of each month, respectively. Tonight, he’s collaborating with bassist Kash Killion in a duo, their third encounter in three months, building on the rapport built last October here at Bird & Beckett. This sequence will go down in the annals of Bird & Beckett jazz history!! $10 cover tonight.      

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Sunday, July 9th – 4:30-6:30 pm
Eric Nakanishi Quartet
which way west? Sunday concert series

Eric Nakanishi – sax Matt Wong – piano Logan Kane – bass Ben Ring – drums All four musicians on today’s date were born within a year or two of each other and raised  in the East Bay or San Francisco, and all four are pursuing B.A.s in music and are about half-way through — Eric at Berklee College of Music, Matt at Manhattan School of Music, Logan and Ben both at USC. Eric Nakanishi, the leader on this date, was raised in Walnut Creek and became serious in his study of jazz saxophone from age 9. By his early teens, he was selected for school, district, county and other honor jazz bands/combos, receiving recognition and multiple awards for his playing ability. Through high school, he was a member of the SFJazz High School All-Stars Orchestra (three years) and Combo (one year) as well as the Berkeley Jazzschool Studio Band for two…

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Sunday, July 9th – 2:00-3:30 pm
Carlos V. Suarez: Rivermarks

Carlos Suarez reads from his new collection of poems and short prose pieces. Carlos was born in Paraná, Argentina, in the province of Entre Ríos, though he traveled early and widely over a span of many decades and has for some years lived in San Francisco. He has been a photojournalist, a cultural anthropologist, a translator from and to Spanish, Italian, English, and more. He is a philosopher, a social critic, a raconteur, and writes stories, film reviews and essays, and poetry. His writing is perhaps the best we’ve been privileged to read.

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Saturday, July 8th – 7:30-10:00 pm
Graham Bruce Quintet
jazz club! when lights are low…
$15 cover charge

The Jazz Philanthropists Union presents… The Graham Bruce Quintet Graham Bruce – trumpet Madaline Duran – tenor sax Grant Levin – piano Fred Randolph – bass Andy Dillard – drums Graham Bruce, with the music genes of his father (a semi-pro pianist), played drums as a child– until he inherited his mom’s father’s trumpet. Through various embouchure difficulties he kept with it through Berklee and several breakthrough experiences: playing with giants like George Coleman, Kurt Lightsey and, on a couple S.F. gigs, Joe Henderson; seven nights a week with Jules Broussard; and fronting his own Bay Area bands, Bobtek, Octagon and Palindrome (with bassist Chris Amberger). Graham picked up the acoustic bass in 1990 and was quickly doubling on that, and as a writer/arranger, he gradually developed his keyboard abilities as well. His book of original compositions and arrangements contains hundreds of tunes. He was recently heard at Bird &…

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Friday, July 7th – 5:30-8:00 pm
Don Prell’s SeaBop Ensemble
plays jazz in the bookshop

Don Prell leads the charge… with Al Molina on trumpet and Jerry Logas on reeds, they’re a sure bet! Kris Gustafson’s on the skins and all bodes well. Come and join San Francisco’s longest running weekly neighborhood jazz party — jazz in the bookshop every Friday evening, 5:30-8:00 pm. But BYOB! The State in its wisdom forbids us from offering you anything alcoholic, but they haven’t yet decreed that you can’t take care of your own desires in that realm! We’ll supply the corkscrew and such. Bebop ’til you drop! Or ’til you go out for dinner, anyway… Tip the musicians here first!

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Thursday, July 6th – 7:30-9:30 pm
Hot Jazz, Chicago Style — On Tour!
Ray Skjelbred and his Cubs
canyon moonlight series — occasional Thursday and Sunday nights

A 5-piece group led by Chicago native Ray Skjelbred, this band includes Skjelbred on piano, Kim Cusack on clarinet, Katie Cavera on guitar, Clint Baker on bass and Jeff Hamilton on drums. $20 cover charge. All but Hamilton share the vocal duties in this band, and do so with elan! The Cubs are on a mini-Bay Area tour they typically make each July, and this is their only San Francisco public appearance on the trip, though you can catch Ray solo at Pier 23 on Monday the 11th. Skjelbred is down from Seattle, while Cusak is in from Chicago and Cavera is up from L.A. Baker and Hamilton both live in the Bay Area. (Don’t fail to mark your calendar now for September 23rd, when drummer Jeff Hamilton will be back, but this time in the piano chair with Clint Baker moving to trumpet, joined by Robert Young on reeds.)…

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Sunday, July 16th – 7:30-9:30 pm – $15 cover charge
The Grant Levin Trio feat. Chris Amberger, bass

Grant Levin, piano Chris Amberger, bass Rodney Ruckus, drums Grant Levin’s three-Sundays-a-month residency at Bird & Beckett is into its second month, and will roll through the end of the year. Don’t miss a chance to hear one of San Francisco’s most remarkably talented jazz pianists in an intimate setting where he is completely at home. Chris Amberger is in many ways one of Grant’s profound mentors, and is a joy to hear, always. And then there’s Rodney Ruckus, just two months since his arrival from Miami. Duos every second Sunday, trios every third, quartets every fourth… …2, 3, 4! $15 cover tonight.

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Cease Fire

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Fair Play Initiative


Your donation to the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project helps us pay for a multitude of operating expenses necessary to present, promote and preserve local music, poetry, and more.

Help us keep the arts alive and thriving!

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project was created in 2007 "to present, document and archive the creative work of significant living writers and musicians in the San Francisco Bay Area, for a neighborhood audience and future generations." We've been doing that very thing for more than a decade and a half, continuing the work we began when the store was established in 1999.

Due to lapses in tax filings during and post-pandemic, the BBCLP's status as a registered nonprofit was suspended at the beginning of April 2024 while we reapply, which is expected to take about six months. Donations made after April 1st will not be tax-deductible until nonprofit status is restored.

However, we continue to present a full slate of programming live music and poetry, and producing literary chapbooks, and we seek and welcome your continued financial support in the interim. If a tax-deduction is not a major reason for your support to date, we hope you'll continue to ride with us while we navigate these next several months.

Click on "donate" in the navigation bar above, drop off a check at the bookshop, or drop one in the mail to:

Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project
653 Chenery Street
San Francisco, CA 94131

Call us at (415) 586-3733 to find out how else you might lend your support.


To take our SURVEY, click here, and help the BBCLP get to know you better! As Duke Ellington always said, we love you madly...

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project

Our events are put on under the umbrella of the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (the "BBCLP"). That's how we fund our ambitious schedule of 300 or so concerts and literary events every year.

The BBCLP is a [Read More ]


The Independent Musicians Alliance

Gigging musicians! You have nothing to lose but your lack of a collective voice to achieve fair wages for your work!
The IMA can be a conduit for you, if you join in to make it work.


Read more here - Andy Gilbert's Feb 25 article about the IMA from KQED's site
