653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood

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Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six


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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

Hardly Strictly + Litquake

If you’re ready to trail back to the neighborhood Sunday afternoon, Oct. 6th, by 4:30 or so — after three or four days of Golden Gate Park crowds for Hardly Strictly Bluegrass — we’ll extend the spirit of the affair here at Bird & Beckett.  And a week later, Litquake begins — and will include two big Bird & Beckett events.  Read on! Sunday, October 6th, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm, our “which way west?” series presents Laurel Thomsen, violinist, violist and singer-songwriter, who’s enthralled us before on the bookshop’s stage with her gorgeous flights through old-time Americana, Celtic tunes and originals.   In her recent collaborations she’s been reported to be quite the Blues and Grappeli-esque fiddler as well! A Monterey, California native, Laurel trained classically, but in her early twenties found a home playing in bands, doing studio work, backing singer-songwriters, and as the New York Times reported, being one of those…

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Wednesday, October 2nd, 7 pm:
Colleen McKee – Book Release – with Alan Kaufman and William Taylor, Jr.

Alan Kaufman and William Taylor, Jr. join Colleen McKee to celebrate the publication of her first full-length collection of ficton, poetry and memoir, Nine Kinds of Wrong, hot off the presses from JKPublishing. Expect tales of a beautiful world of addictive sorrows; glamorous, unwise sex; crime and cabaret; and more whiskey-soaked death than you can shake a stick at. Colleen has been known to say that she writes poems, memoir, and fiction. That she also teaches people how to communicate about art at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. What else? That she writes most of her poems on public transportation; dreams frequently and in color; and can probably kick your ass in Scrabble. She once claimed to write every day and to try to be a nice person. Were that to fail, said she, she tried at least to be honest.  That was when she was promoting her poetry.  Now, with this, who…

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Tuesday, October 1st, 7 pm:
Peter Cherches and Meg Pokrass read

Peter Cherches is the author of Lift Your Right Arm (Pelekinesis, 2013) and two previous volumes of short prose, Condensed Book and Between a Dream and a Cup of Coffee. His work has appeared in the anthologies Poetry 180 and Up Is Up, But So Is Down: New York’s Downtown Literary Scene, 1974-1992. His fiction and other short prose work has been featured in a wide range of magazines and journals, including Harper’s, Semiotext(e), Transatlantic Review, Fiction International, North American Review, Fence and Bomb. Cherches was active, on page and on stage, in the raucous and unpredictable literary, music and performance scenes of downtown Manhattan in the 1980s. Sonorexia, the avant-vaudeville music/performance group he co-led with Elliott Sharp, appeared at such legendary venues as The Mudd Club and CBGB. Cherches also writes about food and music and is a two-time recipient of New York Foundation for the Arts fellowships in…

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Sunday, September 29th, 2:30 pm:
Walker Talks!
having more to say about
the Llano Estacado

Once a month — except during those summer wanderings when he rambles the west to make sure the roads still lead on…that annual meander with the lovely Joyce that keeps him rooted in the American grain — Walker Brents III dips deep into a ten gallon hat brimming with his thoughts on the vast implications of history, myth and the cogitating tendency we humans can’t ever quite escape, whether from the north, south, east or west… So, here it is, late August, no, now it’s late September, and lo! Walker has a few more things to say, sparked particularly by those long, long moments stretching out across the seemingly infinite flatlands that comprise the llano estacado, an American marvel so big and wide it’d likely make you feel like a mite on the back of a big ol’ Texas longhorn… Welcome back, again, Walker…

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Sunday, September 29th, 4:30 pm:
FivePlay Jazz Quintet
CD Release Party

  FivePlay Jazz – featuring Dave Tidball, reeds; Tony Corman, guitar; Laura Klein, piano; Paul Smith, bass; and Alan Hall, drums – celebrates the release of their new CD, “Five and More.” – Melodic Modern Jazz… About the players: Dave Tidball (woodwinds/composer): Born in Cardiff, Wales, Dave played and recorded in London with Turning Point. Upon moving to Boston, MA, he formed the group Minotaur, which featured his own compositions. Since relocating to the Bay Area, he has played and recorded with Triceratops, Three Tenors No Opera, the great vocalist Paula West, and his own trio, Threedom. Dave teaches music in the Oakland public schools and has a busy freelance playing schedule. Tony Corman (guitar/composer): Tony comes from the Boston area. He graduated from the Berklee College of Music with a B.A. in saxophone performance. He appeared and recorded with Full Faith and Credit big band, the Contemporary Jazz Orchestra,…

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Monday, October 5th – 7 to 9 pm
POETS! Dan Richman featured,
followed by an open mic
Jerry Ferraz hosts

Dan Richman returns with poems in hand. He read on our first bill of poets back in 1999 or so, and has continued to write all along, taking in the terrain on which San Francisco is built, the birds circling in the skies above, the people who inhabit it, going about their business day to day. An hour in his company is time well spent. Bring your own work to read in the open mic, if you care to. Jerry Ferraz, who m.c.’s our twice monthly poetry series, was a co-reader with Dan on that first reading back when the store was just getting started. All along, Jerry has been the continuous element in our understanding of what it is to be a poet in San Francisco.

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Tuesday, September 24th — 7:00 pm
A Carnatic/Hindustani/Jazz Summit

 A Benefit Performance to raise funds for visiting playwright Ranjon Ghosal The Classical Music Traditions of South India and North India intertwine with American Jazz in an historic first encounter between  renowned musicians Prasant Radhakrishnan and George Brooks.   Carnatic/Jazz Saxophonist Prasant Radhakrishnan Hindustani/Jazz Saxophonist George Brooks bassist Bishu Chatterjee tabla player Vishal Nagar and jazz drummer Rusty Aceves    ~ tickets for the September 24 benefit are available in advance at the bookshop ~   Ranjon Ghoshal will be coming to the Bay Area in October from his home in Bangalore, in the South Indian state of Karnataka, to perform his play “Crisis of Civilisation: A Journey With Tagore”  — first, as an excerpt on a program that will be presented on Sunday, October 13 by Bird & Beckett at San Francisco’s Vogue Theatre as part of the annual Litquake festival; and subsequently, at full-length at an East Bay venue and…

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Emil DeAndreis Book Release Party!
Wednesday, Stepember 25th, 7 pm
Beyond Folly: Misadventures in Substitute Teaching

Welcome to the wonderful world of public education, as seen through the eyes of seasoned substitute teacher, Horton Hagardy. It’s a time you might recall with great fondness if you were a student a day to escape the oppressive existence of your everyday tormentors. If you’re a substitute, however, these dark, funny, and often poignant stories, take you to a very real place. In Emil DeAndreis’s new book, Beyond Folly, we are on the front lines of the education system, in the trenches, so to speak, of what it feels like to face the everyday challenges of being a teacher on call. These thoughtful and insightful linked-together tales give the reader a behind-the-scenes peek into the life and mind of a substitute teacher, an isolated, underpaid, and underappreciated professional,

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Sunday, Sept. 22nd, 4:30 pm:
Albatross Clarinet Quartet

The Albatross Quartet, featuring Dave Tidball, clarinet, bass clarinet; Jim Dukey, clarinet, bass clarinet; Dick Mathias, clarinet, bass clarinet; and Charlie Keagle, clarinet, present a unique fusion of chamber music and jazz improvisation for clarinets and bass clarinets featuring original compositions and arrangements by members of the group and others.

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Sunday, Sept. 22nd, 2:00 pm:
Poets Gwynn O’Gara,
QR Hand & Bill Vartnaw
with WordWind Chorus

Sonoma County Poet Laureate Bill Vartnaw and Sonoma County Poet Laureate emeritus Gwynn O’Gara are joined by poet QR Hand and the rest of WordWind Chorus (poet Brian Auerbach & saxophonist Lewis Jordan).  QR will read separately as well as performing with WordWind. Of Q. R. Hand,  the late, lamented Reginald Lockett (a founding member of the jazz/poetry ensemble WordWind Chorus), once said, “Q.R. Hand’s poetry traverses the terrain of form, music, and language. This is an inspired, well crafted poetry that is political in intent and spirited in execution and defies any comparison to any literary precursors or contemporary schools of thought. Q.R. Hand is an entity unto himself; a true visionary walks among us.”  Read more about Q.R. here. WordWind Chorus began a couple of decades ago, with Q.R., Brian and Lewis and co-founder, the late and much missed Reginald Lockett, performing poetry by the various members in highly…

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Thursday, September 19th, 7:00 pm
Al Young, California poet laureate emeritus, and Jeanne Powell – POETS!
with open mic!

Al Young was the California Poet Laureate from 2005-2008, a high point in a towering career that began in the late 1960s with novels, poetry collections and more, through the 1970s on into the present… novels that include Who is Angelina? and Sitting Pretty, poetry collections including Dancing and The Sound of Dreams Remembered, books on music like Mingus Mingus and Kinds of Blue… Although Al’s roots are in the rural south, born on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi in 1939, and in Detroit, he’s been in California since 1961 when he first came out to the Bay Area, and he has long been an important figure in the West Coast literary world.  Throughout his career, he’s been indefatigable and invaluable, and his work has touched tens of thousands of readers. Jeanne Powell is a published poet and essayist. Her books in print are  MY OWN SILENCE and WORD DANCING (new edition…

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Wednesday, September 18th, 7:00 pm:
¡ Viva Lamantia !
Publication Party for the
Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia

OUT-there poetry & OUT-there jazz: Poets Clark Coolidge, Garrett Caples, and Andrew Joron (Caples and Joron are also the editors of the book), with bibliographer Steven Fama, plus music from OUROBOROS (Sheldon Brown & Joseph Noble, reeds; Andrew Joron, theremin; Clark Coolidge, drums) The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia represents the lifework of the most visionary poet of the American postwar generation. Philip Lamantia (1927-2005) played a major role in shaping the poetics of both the Beat and the Surrealist movements in the United States. First mentored by the San Francisco poet Kenneth Rexroth, the teenage Lamantia also came to the attention of the French Surrealist leader Andre Breton, who, after reading Lamantia’s youthful work, hailed him as a “voice that rises once in a hundred years.” Later, Lamantia went “on the road” with Jack Kerouac and shared the stage with Allen Ginsberg at the famous Six Gallery reading in San…

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Sunday, September 15th, 4:30-6:30
Pianist/Vocalist Frank Jackson
with the John Clark Quartet
featuring Noel Jewkes on reeds

Pianist and vocalist Frank Jackson has been an important part of the San Francisco jazz scene since the early 1950s if not earlier… having moved out from Texas with his family in 1942.  Today, he’s respected as a swinging elder statesman of the music and he’s going strong.  Read up on him at this link:  AllMusic: Frank Jackson. On reeds, we’ll have the legendary musician’s musician Noel Jewkes — a towering figure on the local scene for decades. Known in some quarters as Dr. Legato, Noel is heir to a lovely, swinging style that many associate in their minds with the great Lester Young, though he’s fully his own man — and a terrific composer and pianist in addition to his considerable skills on saxophone and clarinet. Leader John Clark on bass and drummer Rob Gibson provide the structure for this consummate quartet date.

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Thursday, September 12th at 7:00 pm
Bird & Beckett Political Book Discussion Group

This group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month to consider books on current issues or with some historical relevance to what’s going on now… This month’s selection is The Price of Inequality by Joseph Stiglitz. Next month (October 10), the group will discuss a pair of unpublished manuscripts by Greg Harmon, “Commentaries from a Correspondence on Locke and Property” and “Locke on Property.” All welcome! ______________________________________ Allegra Fortunati, a long-time participant in this book group, wrote the following review of the Stiglitz’s Price of Inequality: According to Wikipedia, economics as “dismal science” was coined in the 19th Century by historian Thomas Carlyle in response to Malthus’ predictions of starvation due to projected population growth exceeding the increase in the food supply.  Carlyle is quoted as saying “the controversies on Malthus … are indeed sufficiently mournful.  Dreary, stolid, dismal, without hope for this world or the next ….”  Reading Stiglitz’s The…

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Sunday, September 8, at 7 pm
Pugsley Buzzard solo

The piano wonder from down under…a Bird & Beckett favorite from three previous tours through our fair city…is squeezing in an hour’s show for you before making his way to the airport and thence to New Orleans, Alabama, etc., etc… Don’t miss this chance to hear some new material & some old favorites by a wonderful piano player, singer, songwriter and composer. Live recording today for KCSM’s “In the Moment” (Thursdays at 9pm) on 91.1 fm.  

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Cease Fire

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Your donation to the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project helps us pay for a multitude of operating expenses necessary to present, promote and preserve local music, poetry, and more.

Help us keep the arts alive and thriving!

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project was created in 2007 "to present, document and archive the creative work of significant living writers and musicians in the San Francisco Bay Area, for a neighborhood audience and future generations," continuing the work we began when the store was established in 1999.

We continue to present a full slate of programming of live music and poetry readings, and produce a literary journal and poetry chapbooks, and we seek and welcome your continued financial support by way of donations.

Click on "donate" in the navigation bar above. Better yet, make a check out to the “Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project” and drop it off or mail it to:

Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project
653 Chenery Street
San Francisco, CA 94131

Call us at (415) 586-3733 to find out how else you might lend your support.


We're immensely appreciative of Jazz in the Neighborhood for having stepped in as our temporary fiscal sponsor for a few months, while we straightened out some paperwork to get nonprofit status restored to the BBCLP. We're happy to say that's been done, and all past, present, and future donations made directly to the BBCLP are fully tax-deductible!


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The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project

Our events are put on under the umbrella of the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (the "BBCLP"). That's how we fund our ambitious schedule of 300 or so concerts and literary events every year.

The BBCLP is a [Read More ]


The Independent Musicians Alliance

Gigging musicians! You have nothing to lose but your lack of a collective voice to achieve fair wages for your work!
The IMA can be a conduit for you, if you join in to make it work.


Read more here - Andy Gilbert's Feb 25 article about the IMA from KQED's site
