653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood

[email protected]

Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six


Live Streams every weekend!

Refresh your browser to catch a show in progress!
Visit our Facebook page or YouTube channel!
But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

Friday, November 26 – 7:30pm
New Squatoolas
Live & Live Streamed!

A fabulous band with an affinity for New Orleans–just the tonic you want and need in these times! Bounce back from your Thanksgiving indulgence, shake it down & rave it up in the company of good friends and companions! Jim Peterson, saxophone Scott Foster, guitar Joe Kyle, Jr., bass Larry Vann, drums Can’t stir from the couch? We understand! But if you watch the show from there, we hope you’ll donate to sustain the musicians and the stream. Instructions are on the screen once you’ve found the show on our facebook page or youtube channel. If you’re coming to the shop for the show, more’s the better! We’ll be happy to have your company to celebrate living, breathing culture! Jazz & it’s offshoots are the creation of African American musicians, composers, arrangers, dancers… We’re more than thankful that it’s at the base of American culture. If you’ve called for a…

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Wednesday, November 24– 7:30pm
Walker Talks!
Taoist Magic, Intrigue and Power
live streamed

Layers of mythic history teased out by Walker Brents III in his monthly talk on topics mythological, poetical, philosophical and otherwise. A recording of Walker’s 11/24/21 talk on Taoist tales can be found at this link. Bird & Beckett’s livestreams can be heard on our YouTube channel or Facebook page.

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Monday, November 22 – 7pm
Poets!Zoom – All Open Mic!

Bring a poem to the zoom! Kim Shuck, San Francisco’s 7th Poet Laureate, 2019-2021, MCs and keeps it real! The New Jersey poet William Carlos Williams wrote, It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there. San Francisco’s first poet laureate, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, noted, “Poetry is news from the frontiers of consciousness. Poetry is what we would cry out upon awakening in a dark wood in the middle of the journey of our life. Poetry is white knights and mouths of desire. Poetry is the street talk of angels and devils.” Bird and Beckett Online Open Mic Mon Nov 22, 2021 7pm – 9pm Pacific Time Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84350265713?pwd=eE84V3BYdWxiSFBHNHhmdUt1WTUzdz09 (Passcode 244211) Thanks for your poetry!

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Sunday, November 21 – 5pm
Amy Kessler & Joshua Raoul Brody
Reeling – Movie Tunes for a Winter Day

An evening of songs from and about movies, sampling silent films, cult classics, Japanese anime, and flicks that don’t yet exist (but should). Oakland-based contralto Amy Kessler has performed in opera, jazz, experimental theater, radio, symphonies, churches, and many backyards. Her love of film music and her hatred of standard recital repertoire have combined to produce REELING, in collaboration with the legendary J. Raoul Brody. The legendary Joshua Raoul Brody is probably best known these days for sitting at home and watching the leaves change. Prior to that, he was best known for his work accompanying improvisational theater (BATS Improv, Robin Williams), non-improvisational theater (literally several “one-man shows so big they take two guys, a gal, and a six-pack of beer to do them” with Merle “Ian Shoales” Kessler, and some of The Residents’ projects), non-theater (Orchestra Nostalgico, Amy Kessler, Tom Waits), and community service (Beatles Thingy). His band, the…

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Saturday, November 20 – 7:30pm
Larry Ochs with Gerald Cleaver and Tim Perkis
jazz club! when the lights are low…

Larry Ochs returns to the Bird & Beckett stage, where he’s been heard with Rova and in his duo with drummer Don Robinson. Tonight, he’s invited Gerald Cleaver, drums; and Tim Perkis, electronics. Close your eyes and open your ears. You’re in for a fine ride. “Ochs’ full-bodied tenor is out of the John Coltrane/Albert Ayler ‘free’ tradition: forceful, passionate… talking-in-tongues.” –East Bay Express Call to reserve seats: (415) 586-3733. $20 cash cover charge; proof of vaccination, masks, please. BYOB. Doors open at 7:20pm; show at 7:30pm. Live streamed on our YouTube channel and Facebook page. If you watch it there, you’re still patronizing the artists & the venue. Donate! Culture ain’t free. Should it be? Search your soul, then look for your debit card. You’ll be better for it. And the artists will eat a bit better.

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Friday, November 19 – 7:30pm
Tony Johnson Quartet with Bob Kenmotsu
live jazz in the bookshop
and in the stream
every Friday night

Bob Kenmotsu subbed for Charlie McCarthy this time out, joining Tony, Al and Glen on the bandstand. Both Bob and Charlie are stellar tenor players, so no net loss there! Click here to find a recording of the show on our YouTube channel. You’ll can also find past shows on our Facebook page under the “video” or “live” tabs. Plenty to sample! Tony Johnson’s monthly booking at Bird & Beckett is a week early in November, for mildly complicated calendar reasons… So amend your appointment book this month, and whatever you do don’t miss Tony in November — His December booking is bumped to January by Christmas… Ho Ho Humph! Anyway, we’re giving thanks to Tony on the 21st for his music and this fine band. Call for reservations! ~~415.586.3733~~ The place has been filling up a lot lately! Used to finding Scott Foster fielding a band on the third…

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Monday, November 15 – 7:30pm
Art Lande + Eric Jekabson:
The Arterik Quartet

Don’t miss this one — the only San Francisco date for this quartet and the final date in a regional tour in support of their brand new album, The Silver Fox. The Arterik Quartet Erik Jekabson, trumpet Art Lande, piano Peter Barshay,  bass Alan Hall, drums Call the bookshop to reserve a seat! 415-586-3733 Doors open ten minutes before showtime. Reservations are highly recommended. Please bring proof of vaccination and a mask, plus $20 cash for the cover charge. BYOB No room in the room, or can’t make it to the show? View the concert in the real time on the bookshop’s youtube channel or facebook page Click here to donate to support the musicians and the live stream Erik Jekabson, Peter Barshay and Alan Hall have all been major figures on the contemporary San Francisco jazz scene for decades; and Art Lande, a Grammy nominee and one of the…

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Sunday, November 14 – 5pm
Seducers Honeymoon

Seducers & Such!
Second Sundays at Bird & Beckett

America’s favorite country band, or a hybrid thereof, in America’s favorite bookshop & honky tonk, every second Sunday from now through 2022! Tonight the Seducers and Nashville Honeymoon merge in the moonlight. It’s a Seducers Honeymoon show! Lynne Maes and Hank Maninger bring a satchel of songs & a cauldron of chemistry to the show, while pedal steel guitar master Joe Goldmark, bassist Paul Olguin and the haiku cowboy Ken Owen on drums make it all seem second nature. Tunes from the Nashville Honeymoon songbook and more. From Hank & Lynne’s songs to Joe’s instrumental gems to classics by the Merles Haggard & Travis, Tammy Wynette, Dolly Parton, Waylon Jennings, Hank Williams, George Jones and more, this show is sure to please. If you glimpsed something about a different start time this out, ignore it. We’re solid for a 5pm start tonight. BYOB, and bring a twenty for the band…

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Sunday, November 14 – 3pm
Focus on Abortion
Roslyn Banish, writer and photographer, discusses her recent book

Focus on Abortion: Americans Share Their Stories introduces the often-missing and most important voices in the abortion conversation: the voices of those who have experienced abortion, and shows us the faces of the individuals whose stories we hear. “Some doctors who didn’t even know me, didn’t speak to me, didn’t know what I looked like, got to choose my fate.” Roslyn Banish will discuss her book with an in-store audience on Sunday afternoon, November 14, beginning at 3pm sharp. Please call the store at (415) 586-3733 to reserve a seat, as audience size is limited. Proof of vaccination and masks will be required of all in attendance. The event will also be streamed live on Bird & Beckett’s YouTube channel and Facebook page, and archived for later viewing. In Roslyn’s book, sixty-two individuals, each of whom has had an abortion or is close to the abortion experience — including partners,…

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Sunday, November 14 – 10am – livestream only
SF Lives: Live Talk
Educator Gail Meadows in conversation
with journalist Denise Sullivan

Join San Francisco columnist Denise Sullivan for a series of morning discussions with The City’s activists, educators, arts and cultural leaders, as well as lesser-known workers, the everyday people who help make this place we call home, every second Sunday at 10 am, live streamed from Bird & Beckett Books in Glen Park. Find the stream on Bird & Beckett’s YouTube channel or Facebook page. This morning, Denise’s guest is Gail Meadows, co-founder and principal of Meadows-Livingstone School. Meadows-Livingstone School was founded in San Francisco in 1979. In addition to science and math, reading and writing, the curriculum includes African civilization, percussion, dance and singing, genealogy and politics. For over 40 years, over 90 percent of her K-6 students go on to attend and graduate from universities. Read more on the Meadows-Livingstone story in SFLives https://www.sfexaminer.com/news-columnists/a-san-francisco-school-where-black-studies-start-young/ Catch Denise’s conversation with Gail in our live stream at 10am this Sunday on Bird & Beckett’s YouTube channel or Facebook page.

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Saturday, November 13 – 7:30pm
For Milford Graves
Grex: Karl Evangelista
& Rei Scampavia
with Robert Lopez

Karl Evangelista – guitar Rei Scampavia – keys Robert Lopez – drums Guitarist Karl Evangelista and experimental trio Grex perform “For Milford Graves,” an original composition commemorating legendary percussionist, educator and multidisciplinary researcher Milford Graves. The program will also feature pieces from Alice Coltrane, Don Cherry and Evangelista’s repertoire of Filipino American music. Evangelista ranks among a new wave of musicians pushing the traditions of jazz and experimental music. Synthesizing the heavy legacy of contemporary improvised music with popular song and 20th century composition, he explores multicultural concepts with sonic intensity and political fervor. To reserve a seat, call the bookshop at 415-586-3733 during store hours, noon to 6pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Doors open ten minutes before showtime. If you have a reservation, you must claim it by 7:30. Once the shows start, we allow anyone waiting for a seat to pay the cover and take what’s available. Please bring proof of…

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Friday, November 12 – 7:30pm
Eric Nakanishi Quartet
with painter John Nakanishi
live recording tonight

Eric Nakanishi, saxophone Edward Evans, trumpet Cyrus Campbell, bass Isaac Schwartz, drums Doors open ten minutes before showtime. If you have a reservation, you must claim it by 7:30. As with all of our shows, once the music starts, we allow anyone waiting for a seat to take what’s available. Please bring proof of vaccination and a mask, plus $20 cash for the cover charge. BYOB Can’t get to the shop for the show? Or just can’t get in due to the throng? Catch the live stream on Bird & Beckett’s YouTube channel or Facebook page. Eric Nakanishi is an aspiring artist, saxophonist and composer who was raised in Pleasant Hill, California. He began playing saxophone at age 9 in his local elementary school music program and quickly became interested in swing. Soon he began studying swing privately under the instruction of saxophonist and educator Marcus Goodlow, who would become…

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Monday, November 8 – 7pm
Strictly Virtual
for real!
tonight’s featured readers are
Susan Dambroff and Diane Moomey

Kim Shuck hosts our twice monthly online poetry reading, every 2nd and 4th Monday. Featured readers precede an open mic on the 2nd Monday, while the 4th Monday reading is all open mic. Watch this space for the zoom invitation. Susan Dambroff is a poet, performer and teacher.  She has published three compilations of poetry. “Memory in Bone,” “Conversations with Trees” and her latest chapbook, “A Chair Keeps the Floor Down”(Finishing Line Press), which dives deeply into her long career as a Special Education teacher. She has been published in many literary journals and anthologies, including Civil Liberties United, Ghosts of the Holocaust, Stoneboat and Essential Truths: The Bay Area in Color and Trauma. She performs throughout the Bay Area in Spoken Duets, a poetic collaboration with Chris Kammler. In the spirit of activism they give voice to the massive injustices of the world. Diane Lee Moomey is a painter and…

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Sunday, November 7 – 5pm
Tomorrow’s Jazz Today!
Young Players, Testing the Traditions
SFCM Student Combo + Jam Session
led by the Keith Saunders Trio

The San Francisco Conservatory of Music’s Roots, Jazz and American Music (RJAM) program sends another stellar ensemble our way this Sunday! This evening’s combo has been growing strong under the tutelage of local jazz tenor sax titan, Patrick Wolff. Prepare to be stunned by their talents! The SFCM combo will perform a set starting at 5pm, then will clear the way for a set by the Keith Saunders Trio and a jam session led by the trio. Keith Saunders, piano Eric Markowitz, bass     Akira Tana, drums All Bay Area students of the music are invited to participate in the jam session. Sign up at 6pm! Want to just come to hear the musicians? Call to reserve a seat!  415-586-3733 Doors open at 4:50pm for the 5pm show Please bring proof of vaccination and a mask. Free to attend   Free to play! Can’t get to the shop for the show? Catch…

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Saturday, November 6 – 7:30pm
Tammy Lynne Hall Trio
jazz club! when lights are low…

Tammy Lynne Hall is among the premier pianists in the Bay Area, with a richly deserved international reputation and audience. Her playing is steeped in jazz, gospel and classical influences. She is one of our most treasured artists in this music! “A musician who has much to offer in the way of originality, fine technique and a rich, emotional quality that is evident on everything she does. Her playing is warm and persuasive and a listener’s delight.” – Marian McPartland, Piano Jazz Call to reserve a seat!  415-586-3733 Doors open ten minutes before showtime. Please bring proof of vaccination and a mask, plus $20 cash for the cover charge. BYOB   Can’t make it into the shop? We’ll miss you. But you can view it in the stream… on Facebook or YouTube.  Donate if you can. But if it’s a strain, enjoy the music and take heart! Remember us when…

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Cease Fire

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Your donation to the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project helps us pay for a multitude of operating expenses necessary to present, promote and preserve local music, poetry, and more.

Help us keep the arts alive and thriving!

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project was created in 2007 "to present, document and archive the creative work of significant living writers and musicians in the San Francisco Bay Area, for a neighborhood audience and future generations," continuing the work we began when the store was established in 1999.

We continue to present a full slate of programming of live music and poetry readings, and produce a literary journal and poetry chapbooks, and we seek and welcome your continued financial support by way of donations.

Click on "donate" in the navigation bar above. Better yet, make a check out to the “Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project” and drop it off or mail it to:

Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project
653 Chenery Street
San Francisco, CA 94131

Call us at (415) 586-3733 to find out how else you might lend your support.


We're immensely appreciative of Jazz in the Neighborhood for having stepped in as our temporary fiscal sponsor for a few months, while we straightened out some paperwork to get nonprofit status restored to the BBCLP. We're happy to say that's been done, and all past, present, and future donations made directly to the BBCLP are fully tax-deductible!


To take our SURVEY, click here, and help the BBCLP get to know you better! As Duke Ellington always said, we love you madly...

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project

Our events are put on under the umbrella of the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (the "BBCLP"). That's how we fund our ambitious schedule of 300 or so concerts and literary events every year.

The BBCLP is a [Read More ]


The Independent Musicians Alliance

Gigging musicians! You have nothing to lose but your lack of a collective voice to achieve fair wages for your work!
The IMA can be a conduit for you, if you join in to make it work.


Read more here - Andy Gilbert's Feb 25 article about the IMA from KQED's site
