jazz in the bookshop
The Scott Foster Ensemble
featuring David Boyce
Friday, Nov. 15th, 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Scott Foster’s group this Friday includes David Boyce, co-founder of Broun Fellinis, on saxophone, plus bassist Noah Schenker and drummer Dave Mihaly.  All three of Scott’s sidemen on this date have extensive experience on the San Francisco jazz & related improvised music scene.  Each month, Scott enlists some of the most talented musicians around for his Bird…

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Lee Morgan Tribute!
This Sunday, Nov. 10, 4:30-6:30 pm

Orion Edmondson, drums, leads a quintet tribute to Philadelphia-born trumpeter Lee Morgan — famed for a hip, soulful, hard bop jazz output during the late 1950s and 1960s that became a significant soundtrack for the times.  From New York, trumpeter Justin Smith handles the duties evoking Morgan’s sound and persona, while fellow bandmates Ruben Salcido on…

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The Rent is Paid!

And our other bills are all up to date!  That’s a first for quite a long time, and we have the community to thank for it. This past Saturday’s “Rent Party” — a 10-hour bebop concert/jam that turned out the bookshop’s neighborhood patrons in substantial numbers – was a huge success.  All of the store’s rent for November…

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Sunday, November 3rd, 4:30 to 6:30 pm
CD release party!
The George Cotsirilos Trio

Guitarist George Cotsirilos, bassist Robb Fisher and drummer Ron Marabuto have been making astonishingly lovely music together for several years, and this date marks the release of their third CD as a unit.  Join us for a beautiful and intense afternoon of music. GEORGE COTSIRILOS: GUITAR.  George has been a member of the San Francisco Bay Area…

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