Sunday, December 8th – 10-11am
SFLives Live Stream
Denise Sullivan and Tongo Eisen-Martin
in conversation

Independent reporter Denise Sullivan brings the SF Lives series to Bird & Beckett for a Sunday morning livestream. This month’s guest is poet, movement worker, and educator, Tongo Eisen-Martin. Use the video screen at the top of our website homepage to access the stream. Limited in person seating available. Call the shop at 415-586-3733. Eisen-Martin’s curriculum…

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Saturday, April 2 – 7:30pm
Free Press

Christie Aida, vocals Laura Harris, piano Greg Kehret, bass Mena Ramos, bata & hi-hat with special guest, San Francisco Poet Laureate Tongo Eisen-Martin ____ BYOB, a mask and $20 cash for the cover charge Can’t make it to the show? Check it out in the live stream on our YouTube channel or Facebook page. _____…

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Friday, July 9 – 10pm
Tongo Eisen-Martin & Friends

Poet/Educator/Activist Tongo Eisen-Martin, San Francisco Poet Laureate, hosts six individuals who we’re proud to present in the shop tonight. Audience welcome. A live stream will carry the event for those not comfortable venturing out, whether due to dark of night, lack of transit or any other reason. But rest assured, the in-person experience will be…

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coronavirus considerations – the proprietor is in and out, taking orders and making deliveries, seven days a week.

Live music on the bookshop’s stage every Friday and occasional Saturdays & Sundays, live streamed to the world, without an in-store audience

5/5 update: Slow down, people! Just kidding, but really, the onslaught of orders is hard to handle. We’re in it for the long haul, so we need to slow it down. Twenty years and counting now… When the City announces that you can come to — though not into — the shop, we’ll ask you…

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Monday, November 26th – 7:00-9:00 pm
Molotov Mouth poetry

Josiah Luis Aldrete, a founding member of the Molotov Mouths Outspoken Word Troupe, joins forces with fellow poet Tongo Eisen-Martin, to call the troupe to assembly at Bird & Beckett for an evening of incendiary expression! The Molotov Mouths — 3 women and 4 men from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds: Chilean-born Ananda Esteva, queer activist…

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