653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood
[email protected]
Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six
Live Streams every weekend!
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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!
Sunday, January 11th — 4:30-6:30 pm
Craig Ventresco & Meredith Axelrod
ragtime and other early guitar styles
Exuberant music by two masters of styles long forgotten by the popular audience. Craig has had a decades-old obsession with investigating the music he’s found in the grooves of dusty stacks of 78s. Â He plays a whole lot of guitar; in fact, is pretty much world famous for his talents and investigations of the music…
Sunday, January 11th – Noon to 1:30 pm
The B-Stars Trio!
Western Swing at the B&B
Surf-a-billy Swing Time Dance Party
The B-Stars are a San Francisco-based Americana combo that stirs up a hearty stew of honky tonk and hillbilly hits for your listening and dancing pleasure. With nods to the country and western stars of the late 1940s and 1950s, these sharp-suited honky tonkers will be singin’ and swingin’ their ever-lovin’ hearts out. The Trio features…
Saturday, January 10th – 8-11 pm
Grant Levin Quartet
jazz club! — when lights are low…
Pianist and composer Grant Levin assembles an ensemble each week to explore the jazz canon and present his own compositions.  This week, he’s joined by saxophonist Jonathan Bautista, bassist Ollie Dudek and drummer Hamir Atwal — wonderful musicians all, the kind that make us grateful for living in a region with such a rich jazz culture….
Thursday, January 8th – 8:00 pm
Novellas-in-Flash: A Reading
Pokrass / Teel / Bower
A reading by contributors to the new anthology, My Very End of the Universe: a celebration and study of an increasingly popular genre: the novella-in-flash, a novella built of standalone flash stories. The novellas in this collection—Betty Superman by Tiff Holland, Here, Where We Live by Meg Pokrass, Shampoo Horns by Aaron Teel, Bell and Bargain by…
Monday, January 5th – 7:00 pm
POETS! Julie Rogers, featured poet
with an open mic to follow
Julie Rogers has several chapbooks in print and her book, House of the Unexpected, was released by Wild Ocean Press in 2012. She’s been writing and reading her work in San Francisco on and off for about thirty-five years, loitering in cafes and roaming streets w/journal and so on, and is most recently a semi-regular in the lower Haight when not at home with…
Sunday, January 4th – 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Avotcja & Modupue
Avotcja & Modupue! Francis Wong, sax and flute. Jon Jang, piano. Heshima Mark Williams, bass. Avotcja is a jazz musician with deep roots, a riveting poet, an imaginative and ruminative prose writer, a pioneer, an individualist, a fierce champion of her fellow musicians, poets and artists.  Her band, Modupue, was twice named Jazz Group of the…
jazz club special!
A tribute to pianist Smith Dobson
Gail Dobson & Friends
Saturday, January 3rd, 8-11 pm
Smith Dobson was a key jazz pianist in these parts right up to his untimely death in a car accident in 2001 at the age of 54. Â The eminent jazz journalist Philip Elwood wrote, “The importance of Dobson’s more than 20 years on the South Bay jazz scene was indicated by the gathering of an…
which way west? concert series
Sunday, Dec. 28th – 4:30 to 6:30 pm
Two jazz guitarists
Duncan James & Ray Scott
Two veterans of the jazz scuffle perform solo and in duo interplay on the last Sunday of December… closing out another year of our Sunday afternoon concert series called “which way west?” Â Ray and Duncan have often shared the bandstand (catch them at Club Deluxe on Haight) and have been heard individually at Bird…
Friday, December 19th – 5:30 to 8:00 pm
Don & Art: The Don Alberts/Art Lewis Trio with bassist Aaron Cohn
Two long-time associates — Â both hard driving professionals with 50+ years under their belts — take the bandstand with a young bassist who has become one of the mainstays of the local jazz scene. Pianist Don Alberts was born in the South Bay and made his mark on the San Francisco jazz scene in the…
Saturday, December 20th – 8-11 pm
The Yancie Taylor Quintet
jazz club presents The Yancie Taylor Quintet — featuring James Bailey on reeds; Glen Pearson on piano, Ryan Lukas on bass and Bryan Bowman on drums, with Yancie himself on vibes.  Click here to visit Yancie’s site. Yancie has been a force on the Bay Area jazz scene for more than 50 years, and can be heard weekly…