653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood

[email protected]

Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six


Live Streams every weekend!

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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

Sunday, June 8th — 2 pm
Eva Zeisel: Life, Design, and Beauty
a presentation by Pat Moore

Born Eva Amalia Stricker in Budapest, Hungary in 1906, Eva Zeisel was a uniquely accomplished ceramicist and designer, who by her early 20s had already become an accomplished artist in the field.  She worked first in Budapest, then for Schramberger Majolikafabrik in Germany, and by 1932 was in the Soviet Union, soon to be appointed Artistic…


Saturday, June 7th – 8-11 pm
jazz club bonus date!
The Walter Savage Trio
with Grant Levin and Vince Lateano

Our only Saturday date in June happens on the 7th, when bassist Walter Savage, on a Bay Area swing from his home in Fayetteville, Arkansas, plays with two of the Bay Area’s finest musicians. Walter was a key player on the local jazz scene for decades before retiring from the music business a few years…


Monday, June 2nd – 7 pm
POETS! Featured readers:
Paul Fericano and Linda King
open mic follows

 A rich reading with two poets of extraordinary experience.  Paul Fericano has a compulsively fascinating history as a poet and satirist with roots in the 1970s San Francisco cultural and political scene.  He has run Poor Souls Press since 1974, launched the “Stoogism” movement in 1976, and caused a ruckus in 1978 by offending the Republicans…


Sunday, June 1st – 4:30-6:30 pm
DSB! The Dwaine Spurlin Band
with vocalist Nina Causey

“The Sax Man” Dwaine Spurlin was schooled at SFSU and was an understudy for saxophone titan Joe Henderson… he brings a dynamic group into Bird & Beckett featuring Spencer Allen on piano, Attila Medvedsky on bass and Stephen La Porta on drums, plus vocalist Nina Causey! This group can handle a wide range of styles from…


Sunday, June 1st — 2 pm
Latif Harris, Part Two:
A life in beat zen poetry

Continuing where he left off in mid-May, Latif Harris reads more work from the span of his career, and relates stories of what has happened along the way. Latif is one of the survivors of the late 50’s North Beach poetry scene.  He lived on Columbus above the Stella Pastry as the 50’s rolled into…


Friday, May 30th — 5:30 to 8:00 pm
jazz in the bookshop
special “fifth Friday” session!
The Pacific Jazz Connection

Live recording session tonight! Reed players Jerry Logas (bari sax) and Smith Dobson V (tenor sax) co-lead this quintet that delves into the 1950s West Coast sound that brought beautifully wrought harmonic and rhythmic qualities to the forefront of jazz.  “Bernie’s Tune,”  “Line for Lyons” and much more…   And then they range further afield……


Thursday, May 29th – 7 pm:
Self-Portrait of the Poet
Suicided by the MFA Degree

a reading by Justin Etc., with Amy K Bell & Jill Tomasetti

per the Press: The Gorillla Press is excited to release our first full-length book, a collection of poems by Oakland poet and SF State grad Justin, Etc. Featuring cover art by SF artist and poet Truong Tran, this little paperback is a beaut and a pleasure to read. Bird and Beckett Books has graciously given…


Sunday, May 25th – 4:30 to 6:30 pm
The Grant Levin Trio

Grant Levin, piano Glenn Richman, bass Mark Lee, drums Enjoy a group that epitomizes the joy of the piano jazz trio tradition.  Grant Levin is one of the key young pianists on the local scene.  Beginning in July, you’ll find him directing our 2nd Saturday “jazz club” sessions.  Now, catch him in the comfort of…


Sunday, May 25th – 2:30 pm
Walker Talks! on Albert Camus

The conflict between the intellectual search for meaning in life when no inherent meaning is to be found there spawned the 1950s philosophy of the absurd explored trenchantly by French Algerian writer Albert Camus in his many books — including centrally, The Myth of Sisyphus (1942). Each month, save the summer months, Walker Brents III explores a…


Saturday, May 24 — 8-11 pm
JAZZ CLUB Sat. Nights! Join up!
Michael Parsons at the piano,
with Jay Sanders, Charles Thomas & Vinnie Rodriguez

It’s the new thing at Bird & Beckett!  May is the trial run, then we lay low in June and start in earnest in July…  Catch dinner some Saturday at one of the neighborhood’s great restaurants, then come on up to Jazz Club for a couple sets of fantastic jazz ’til 11 p.m The second…