653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood
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Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six
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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!
Friday, May 23rd — 5:30 to 8:00 pm
jazz in the bookshop every Friday!
tonight: The Chuck Peterson Quintet
with vocalist Dorothy Lefkovits
Chuck Peterson and Howard Dudune, reeds; Glen Deardorff, guitar; Dean Reilly, bass and Tony Johnson, drums, make up the regular fourth Friday band at Bird & Beckett, carrying on a long tradition of weekly jazz parties in Glen Park. Â No cover charge, but do bring some money for the musicians anyway! Â Supporting live jazz in…
Wednesday, May 21st – 7 pm
Book Event: Mingus Speaks
author/interlocutor John Goodman talks!
Author John Goodman will speak at Bird & Beckett the evening of May 21st on the man, Charles Mingus, and the book, Mingus Speaks: Interviews with Charles Mingus, 1972-1974 (John Goodman, author; Sy Johnson, photographer; University of California Press, 2013). From John Goodman’s website, www.mingusspeaks.com:  What is this thing called Mingus? Some have heard the name,…
Monday, May 19th – 7 pm
Sterling Bunnell reads
“Chaucer’s Squire’s Tale Completed”
— open mic follows
Live recording:  Sterling Bunnell will read his long-form poem, “Chaucer’s Squire’s Tale Completed.”  Bunnell retired from a long career in psychiatry some time ago, during which he was particularly known for his 1960s exploration of the use of hallucinogenic drugs in treatment regimens; he’s credited with introducing the first living strain of Salvia divinorum, Diviner’s Sage,…
Sunday, May 18th – 4:30-6:30 pm
The Charles Hamilton Trio
w/Calvin Keys & Joe McKinley
Trombonist Charles Hamilton directed the Berkeley High jazz program for three decades, training the likes of Joshua Redman, Benny Green, Josh Jones and Peter Apfelbaum — all players who have gone on to world renown. Â Born in San Francisco in the 1940s, Charles grew up in Louisiana, touring the region on trumpet with an R&B…
Sunday, May 18th – 2 pm
A life in beat zen poetry
Latif Harris reads and reminisces
Latif Harris has contributed to the San Francisco/North Beach literary scene since 1959. In addition to his publications of poetry, articles, reviews and various anthologies, Latif has published eleven books of poetry, including Bodhisattva’s Busted Truth. Latif’s skill, energy and devotion to the work is evidenced in the crucial BEATITUDE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY 1959-2009, co-edited by Latif with Neeli…
Sunday, May 11th – 4:30-6:30 pm
Hamir Atwal-Michael Coleman Duo
Jazz to stretch your mind… Hamir Atwal, drums and Michael Coleman, piano. Both players have picked up a lot of playing time on the progressive edge of the Bay Area jazz landscape, as well as handling the straight ahead traditions with skill born of experience and training — at Oberlin for Michael and at Berklee…
Friday, May 16th — 5:30 to 8:00 pm
The Harvey Robb Quartet
plays jazz in the bookshop
Scott Foster has another engagement this week… he’ll be back with a great band on the third Friday in June. Tonight:  The Harvey Robb Quartet, with Grant Levin, piano; Ollie Dudek, bass; and Danny Spencer, drums. Reed player Harvey Robb has deep Detroit roots — where he grew up in the late 1950s sneaking into the jazz…
Sunday, May 11th – 2:00 pm
Gabriel Garcia-Marquez,
a talk by Carlos Suarez
Carlos Suarez considers the work of the great writer, whose passing has us so many of us considering the time we first encountered One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Monday, May 5th – 7-9 pm
Jerry Ferraz performs
The Golden Key
A troubadour’s fairy tale
Jerry Ferraz is known widely for his link to the bardic tradition, with his small guitar and wandering ways and his long poetic narratives in song that roll out without recourse to the page.  Unfettered to contemporary preoccupations, they can be at the same instant timely in the most uncanny of ways.  Certainly, The Golden Key…
Sunday, May 4th — 4:30-6:30 pm
The Jon Frank Jazz Quintet
which way west? Sunday concerts
Two Franks — drummer Jon and trumpeter Noah — bookend a group that includes guitarist Jordan Samuels, pianist Dave Gibbons and bassist Rob Woodcock this Sunday for our “which way west?” concert. This Sunday, nestled into two sets of standards, modern jazz masterpieces and new compositions, the quintet will treat us to a sequence…