653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood
[email protected]
Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six
Live Streams every weekend!
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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!
Jazz in the bookshop:
every Friday 5:30 to 8:00 pm
Friday, Feb. 4: Don Prell’s Seabop Ensemble with Jerry Logas, sax Michael Parsons, piano Don Prell, bass Chris Bjorkbom, drums Bassist Prell got his start in L.A. in the 1950s, when he was a core member of the Bud Shank Quartet, traveling internationally and recording three albums. The first Friday of every month, he brings…
Sunday, February 3rd:
Poets Les Gottesman & Jodi Sanchez
This reading celebrates Les Gottesman’s newest chapbook, Misuses of Poetry and Other Poems, from Finishing Line Press. Les’s first published poems were in Ted Berrigan’s C magazine in 1965. More recently, his poems have appeared in numerous print and online journals as well as in thirteen chapbooks from his own imprint, Omerta Publications. Les has…
Sunday, January 27th:
Bay Area Jazz All-Stars
which way west? Sunday concert series. All ages welcome! No cover charge, but your generous donations make it possible for us to pay the musicians. Sunday, Jan. 27 – 4:30-6:30 pm: The Bay Area Jazz All-Stars. Mark Levine is widely known (with a couple of Grammy nominations) for his Latin jazz work, but he’s no…
8 Day Forecast:
Friday, Jan 25th to Friday, Feb 1st
Seven events over eight days… and one more on Super Bowl Sunday (before the game!) Friday, the 25th, 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.: Come down to the shop after work for The Chuck Peterson Quintet, summoning up the golden days when West Coast jazz hipped the fans to driving bebop solos on a pillow of laid…
Sunday, January 27th:
Walker Talks!
Walt Whitman & the Civil War
Sunday, Jan. 27 at 2:30 p.m. A talk on the poet in the time of America’s greatest trial, his work amidst the intense misery of the hospital wards bringing him face to face with the suffering wrought by the national suicide then in progress. The experience was inevitably incorporated into his evolving poetic persona, resulting…
Monday, January 28:
Poets Lee Slonimsky
& Katherine Hastings
Monday, Jan. 28th at 7:00 p.m. Poets from the West Coast and the East Coast converge in Glen Park. Lee Slonimsky has published one book of poems in free verse, Talk Between Leaf and Skin (SRLR Press, Austin TX, 2002), but has been working primarily in traditional forms and meter for the past several years,…
Thursday, January 17th:
POETS! All open mic
in the memory of Dan Harrington
7:00 p.m.
Poets! is an ongoing Bird & Beckett poetry series, hosted by Jerry Ferraz, which presents featured poets followed by an open mic. We’re moving this series from its twice-a-month Monday schedule to a once-a-month “Third Thursdays” schedule. So mark your calendars! Click here for an overview of the series. 7:00 p.m. Tonight’s reading in our ongoing…
Sunday, January 20th:
Mike Lipskin & Dinah Lee
stride piano and jazz vocals
which way west? Sunday concert series. All ages welcome! No cover charge, but your generous donations make it possible for us to pay the musicians. Sunday, Jan. 20 – 4:30-6:30 pm: Mike Lipskin & Dinah Lee with Paul Mehling & Jerry Logas. Mike Lipskin is a 50-year veteran Stride Jazz pianist who has an original…
Sunday, January 20th:
Poets Mary Burger & Denise Newman
2:00 p.m. Mary Burger is a writer and artist living in Oakland. Her book Then Go On was published in 2012 by Litmus Press. Earlier books include Sonny (Leon Works, 2005) and A Partial Handbook for Navigators (Interbirth, 2008.) With Robert Glück, Camille Roy, and Gail Scott she co-edited the anthology Biting the Error (Coach…