653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood
[email protected]
Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six
Live Streams every weekend!
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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!
Sunday, January 13th:
Misisipi Mike Wolf & Friends
which way west? Sunday concert series. All ages welcome! No cover charge, but your generous donations make it possible for us to pay the musicians. Sunday, Jan. 13 – 4:30-6:30 pm: Misisipi Mike & Friends. Country picker & singer/songwriter Mike Wolf, aka Misisipi Mike, has more friends than there are double consonants in the English…
Big jazz in little glen park!
This winter/spring, watch for some major jazz musicians in our Sunday “which way west?” series… always 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Never a cover charge, but don’t neglect to help us pay the musicians — unless you’re flat broke! All ages welcome! In between the dates we’ll describe below, you’ll hear country music (Misisipi Mike on…
Support your local bookshop
& cultural center!
Bird & Beckett is proud to have served the Glen Park neighborhood since 1999 in at least two significant ways — as a bookshop bursting at the seams with a broad and interesting selection of the best new and used books we know how to find, and as a cultural community center where we can…
Sunday, January 6th:
Avotcja, Poet & Musician
A double shot of Avotcja love on the first Sunday of 2013! Poetry at 2 p.m.   –    Modupue at 4:30 p.m. 2:00 pm – With Every Step I Take: Avotcja is joined by Q.R. Hand and Eliza Shefler to celebrate her book of selected poems just published by Bill Vartnaw’s Taurean Horn Press. 4:30 to…
December 29th:
The Aristocrats
which way west? concert series. Every Sunday afternoon, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Never a cover charge, but it’s your generous donation at the show that makes it possible for us to pay the musicians. All ages welcome. The musicians joining guitarist Ray Scott in this quartet are all top flight Bay Area jazz professionals with…
Sunday, December 16th:
A Trad Jazz Xmas
with the Buena Vista Jazz Band
Sunday, December 16th – 4:30-6:30 p.m. which way west? Sunday concert series. Never a cover charge, but your generous donations help us pay the musicians. All ages welcome! Top musicians from the region’s highly regarded trad jazz scene celebrate the holiday season at Bird & Beckett — playing the music of early New Orleans created…
Featured Publisher: Nobrow Press
Eyepopping and seductive… the Brits do it again! Last week, we featured London’s Laurence King Press, turning out sharp & useful books for graphic artists, architects, fashion designers, photographers — but Nobrow showcases young artists taking their art school training into creative territory like no other. Nobrow’s signature printing and bookmaking techniques sprang from the necessity…
Sunday, December 9th:
Parlor Tricks! Industrial Ragtime!!
with special guest, Shotwell–
San Francisco Alt Country
Put your holiday season in high gear with a few Parlor Tricks!!! Sunday, December 9th – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Bird & Beckett’s weekly which way west? Sunday concert series. Never a cover charge, but your generous donations help us pay the musicians! All ages welcome. Picture a snowy New York Sunday morning in 1904,…
Featured Publisher:
Laurence King Publishing
The visual arts are the domain of this British publisher, whose half dozen “100 Ideas” books are chock full of game-changing innovations that shifted paradigms in photography, fashion, graphic design, architecture, art, etc. Surprising, the little things we take for granted!  (paperback, $29.95 ea.) A terrific book on graphic designer Saul Bass (remember that credit sequence from Hitchcock’s…
Featured Publisher:
Tara Books
of Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)
Beautiful books… children’s books, but are they? If it takes the eyes of children to take us into these rich and gorgeous artifacts, so be it. Tara Books is: Gita Wolf, a former academic rash enough to start a publishing house V. Geetha, an historian and political activist with a soft spot for popular culture…