653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood
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Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six
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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!
which way west? Mark Levine Trio
The Mark Levine Trio which way west? sunday concerts Sunday, May 22nd – 4:30 pm Mark wrote the book on jazz piano… specifically, The Jazz Piano Book (Sher Music, 2005 — but originally published in 1989) has been instrumental in the education of many thousands of jazz pianists… and he himself studied in Boston and…
POET Daniel Abdal Hayy Moore
Sufi Poet Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore with musical guest From a Fountain Sunday, May 22nd – 2 pm Born in 1940 in Oakland, California, Daniel Moore’s first book of poems, Dawn Visions, was published by Lawrence Ferlinghetti of City Lights Books, San Francisco, in 1964. In 1972 his second book, Burnt Heart, Ode to the War…
POETS Froude Denrow Morse
Richard Froude Jennifer Denrow Jesse Morse POETS! Monday, May 23rd, 7:00 pm Three poets, passing through — two out of Denver, one headed that way… Richard Froude — born in London, raised in Bristol — lives now in Denver. He is the author of The History of Zero, The Margaret Thatcher Trilogy, and FABRIC, brand…
which way west?
Jon Frank Quintet which way west? Sunday concerts Sunday, May 15th – sets at 4:30 & 5:30 pm Trumpeter Noah Frank is featured with drummer Jon Frank’s fine group, which includes seasoned veterans Ken Rosen (sax), Terry Rodriguez (piano) and Ron Crotty (bass). Noah is the product of a musical family (his father Jon has…
Mother’s Day di Prima
Happy Mothers Day! Here’s a wonderful clip of the mother of all poets, and mother of five beautiful children, Diane di Prima… a reading at The Band’s Last Waltz, Thanksgiving Day, November 1976, Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco. click here!
Pugsley Buzzard
Pugsley Buzzard headed this way! catch him at Bird & Beckett on Sunday, May 8th, 4:30 pm…Â HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! He boasts an unlikely name and a voice like gravel on a treacherous road, and he’s coming out of Australia for a foray into the Bay Area that’s bound to be talked about for some…
Jerry Ferraz & Sterling Bunnell
A BARD & A PHILOSOPHER Jerry Ferraz & Sterling Bunnell POETS! featured readers + open mic, twice monthly Jerry Ferraz was born and grew up over in Eureka Valley some years ago, let’s say in the early 1950s, round about this time of year… a San Franciscan to the core… though a much broader expanse…
ruth weiss
an original beat… ruth weiss w/trio at bird & beckett friday night may 6th at 8:30 pm poetry and jazz… a book release celebration! can’t stop the beat: the life and words of a beat poet ruth weiss was born in germany as the nazis came to power; her family fled to austria in 1933. …
Glen Park Festival
They’ll be dancin’ in the streets! Glen Park Festival All day Sunday May 1st 10 a.m to 4:30 p.m. there’ll be music… sweet, sweet music… Come out to the Glen Park Festival for the fun, the sun and the beautiful neighborhood vibe, and a cavalcade of great bands mc’d by man-of-all-seasons Misisipi Mike. Dozens of…
Baseball Poets
Writers Step Up to the Plate! After a tough homestand against the Braves, the Giants have a travel day on Monday, so we’ll use the pause in the schedule for a literary take on America’s favorite pastime… Monday, Apr. 25, 7 pm: Come out to our celebration of the unfolding baseball season, as five writers…