653 Chenery Street
in San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood

[email protected]

Open to walk-in trade and browsing
Tuesday to Sunday
noon to six


Live Streams every weekend!

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But nothing beats being in the room with the music & the musicians!

Sunday, December 9th:
Parlor Tricks! Industrial Ragtime!!
with special guest, Shotwell–
San Francisco Alt Country

Put your holiday season in high gear with a few Parlor Tricks!!! Sunday, December 9th – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Bird & Beckett’s weekly which way west? Sunday concert series. Never a cover charge, but your generous donations help us pay the musicians! All ages welcome. Picture a snowy New York Sunday morning in 1904, Christmas coming on.  As the electric streetlights wink off, Reverend Edward Martin Waller makes his way from home to church, and the weary and slap-happy denizens of the city’s syncopated Saturday night frenzy trail home to their beds. The brand new subway system, now in operation for all of six weeks, slumbers fitfully beneath the city streets. Steam power — that formerly modern lurch into an entirely new pace of life — has given way in turn to a new magic as tentacles of vast electrical distribution systems riddle the city, powering the nickelodeons and…

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Featured Publisher:
Laurence King Publishing

The visual arts are the domain of this British publisher, whose half dozen “100 Ideas” books are chock full of game-changing innovations that shifted paradigms in photography, fashion, graphic design, architecture, art, etc.  Surprising, the little things we take for granted!  (paperback, $29.95 ea.) A terrific book on graphic designer Saul Bass (remember that credit sequence from Hitchcock’s “North by Northwest”?) has been on our shelves for several months (hardcover $75), and a bunch of solid new titles on typography, architecture and more are here now. Of particular appeal is Sketchbooks: The Hidden Art of Designers, Illustrators and Creatives, revealing the inner workings and private inspiration of “creatives” in advertising, design, graphic design, fashion design, art, street art and illustration, with pages from their notebooks as well as profiles and interviews.  Stunning & fascinating page after page.  (paperback, $19.95) We also dig Jun Kaneko: The Magic Flute which takes you deep inside the creative process that led to…

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Featured Publisher:
Tara Books
of Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)

Beautiful books… children’s books, but are they? If it takes the eyes of children to take us into these rich and gorgeous artifacts, so be it. Tara Books is: Gita Wolf, a former academic rash enough to start a publishing house V. Geetha, an historian and political activist with a soft spot for popular culture C. Arumugam, a fine bookmaker with the motto ‘Nothing is Impossible’ Jennifer Abel, a former Tara intern who now represents Tara in North America Lavanya K, our bubbly book advocacy coordinator Nia Murphy, our resident designer from the UK. Shamim Hameed, lifesaving and very professional accounts manager Nancy Prabha, handles office administration and is utterly indispensable Ramya, ever reliable, assisting in the accounts department Ranjith, packs books, makes deliveries and is generally indispensable Senthil Kumar, a great help with both administrative and marketing needs Designers Rathna Ramanathan, London – has steered Tara’s design philosophy Natasha…

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Sunday, December 2nd:
Tango No. 9

Sunday, December 2nd – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. which way west? Sunday concert series. No cover charge, but your donations help us pay the band!  All ages welcome. Why do we love this music so much, and Tango No. 9′s deeply soulful takes on it in its many guises? Carlos Suarez, a dear friend of Bird & Beckett (who spoke eloquently of Jorge Luis Borges at the shop the afternoon of November 18), wrote the following for his friends in Tango No. 9 on the occasion of the release of their first CD, “All Them Cats in Recoleta”, back in 2001 as this divine band began to find its way into the music… perhaps it explains something for us… El Jazz, The Tango by Carlos Suarez  I am asked quite often – and I don’t like it – since I am Argentinian and apparently such coincidence makes me an expert, “Yeah, but… They…

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Monday, December 3rd:
Paula Hackett & Alfonso Texidor
open mic follows

Jerry Ferraz, native son & troubadour, hosts this last session of the year in our ongoing poetry series.  Monday, December 3rd, beginning at 7 p.m.  Two of our favorite poets, and a few surprises are in store for you!  And you’re welcome to bring your own work to read in the open mic segment… Paula Hackett brings a sheaf of poems published in her classic chapbook, Roulette— the same poems that she recorded and released in a CD of that name with the astonishing accompaniment of pianist Rudi Wongozi. The poems themselves reveal a musical pulse rooted in her many years of close collaboration with her brother John on jazz lyrics — some set to music by the likes of legendary drummer Max Roach, a founding father of bop, and others written to fit the music of some of our most honored jazz composers, including Roach, Cedar Walton, Teddy Edwards,…

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POETS! (no open mic)
Meazle – Noonan – Whittington
chapbook release celebration

Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Three poets introduce their new chapbooks. Sorry, no open mic tonight. Nicholas James Whittington, poet and editor/publisher of Bird & Beckett’s Amerarcana annual literary review, is bringing out a trio of chapbooks under the Bird & Beckett imprint — Jack of Diamonds and the Queen of Spades by Jackson Meazle, Stances by Erik Noonan, and Scoria by himself, Nicholas James Whittington.  If you’ve been reluctant to embrace the poetry reading as an entertainment, you may want to slip in to Bird & Beckett and hear what these three have to offer — the energy, intellect & charm  brought into play just might change your thinking… Bird & Beckett is proud of its long-time commitment to poetry and the poets among us. Jackson Meazle lives in San Francisco. He has two chapbooks out this year, HH, a book of Heinrich Heine translations, and Jack of Diamonds and the…

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Friday, November 23rd:
The Chuck Peterson Quintet
with vocalist Dorothy Lefkovits

Friday, November 23rd – 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. jazz in the bookshop – every Friday without fail, since October 2002! Never a cover charge, but your generous donations make it possible for us to pay the musicians. All ages welcome! This week, it’s the 230 Jones Street, Local Six Literary Jazz Band, also known as The Chuck Peterson Quintet, led by the tenor sax man who founded our series ten short years (and 520+ consecutive Fridays) ago!  Chuck is joined by his close friend and erstwhile mentor Howard Dudune on reeds, guaranteeing a cooking front line.  They’re ably backed by compatriots Glen Deardorff on guitar, Dean Reilly on bass and Tony Johnson on bass — and joined by the marvelous vocalist Dorothy Lefkovits.  Dorothy was singing on the stage of Harlem’s Apollo Theatre back in the halcyon 1950s, when the guys in the band were getting their start as professional…

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Sunday, November 25th:
The David Widelock Trio

Sunday, November 25th – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. which way west? Sunday concert series. No cover charge, but your kind donations help us pay the musicians.  All ages welcome! The art of the jazz trio, performed by guitarist Widelock together with bassist Fred Randolph and drummer Jim Kassis. Decades ago, famed Brazlian guitarist and composer Luis Bonfa named Widelock as “a giant of the twelve string guitar… one of my favorite guitarists.”  We’ll attest that Widelock’s skill, sensitivity and ingenuity have only continued to grow since that time. The David Widelock Trio’s superb cd called “Skating on the Sidewalk” was recorded in 2009 with bassist Randolph and drummer Kassis, featuring Widelock originals as well as covers of Tom Waits’ “Sixteen Shells from a 30-06″ and Leadbelly’s “Black Betty”.  The trio’s work is just the latest phase in an adventurous career — in which the guitarist has engaged in the exploration…

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Sunday, November 25th:
jazz writer Paul de Barros
presents his new biography of
pianist Marian McPartland

Sunday, November 25th — 3:00 p.m. Shall We Play That One Together? The Life and Art of Jazz Piano Legend Marian McPartland A book event with biographer Paul de Barros. Marian McPartland has done more to edify jazz lovers than anyone alive, we’d have to say, with her radio interviews — collaborations, really — with jazz pianists heard weekly around the world through the magic that is NPR (one more reason we’re ecstatic that President Obama romped to victory on Nov. 6!). McPartland is a very fine pianist and has an insatiable thirst for insight into the work of her peers, with whom she has ceaselessly and eagerly interacted in her 65+ years in the business. The young, proper, ambitious and talented English pianist Marian Page met and married Chicagoan Jimmy McPartland (a key American “trad” jazz cornet player 11 years her senior) while barnstorming with the USO through the…

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November 25th, 1 pm:
Walker Talks
on Joseph Campbell’s explorations
of human consciousness

Sunday, November 25th — 1:00 pm (note early start time) Walker Brents III investigates the writings and thought of Joseph Campbell, whose influence on the creative work of filmmakers, poets and novelists over the past half century has been profound and pervasive. A seminal late 20th century sage, Campbell wrote and lectured tirelessly, synthesizing global mythologies and in the process pioneering a new zeitgeist.  Inevitably, our conception of his work has become limited to a few simplified aspects — the arc of the hero being the prime example.  But so much more is to be found in Campbell’s thought. “Walker Talks” is a monthly series of talks by Walker Brents III on subjects ranging from bits of mythology to the works of poets and philosophers, and beyond.  On the fourth Sunday of each month, barring the summer months.

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Sunday, November 18th:
“On Borges: A few of his enigmas”
a talk by Carlos Suarez

Sunday, November 18th — 2:00 p.m.  A talk on Argentina’s blind visionary, the writer Jorge Luis Borges. Carlos Suarez explains:  I am not sure if I am reaching some synthesis or if I am starting to forget, so… just in case the fog gets too deep into the bay, I would like to share with you some impressions and a few thoughts about Borges. Borges was a fabulous reader, a reteller of stories.  The blind librarian of Buenos Aires.  The last of the patrician intellectuals.  The most important writer in the Spanish language since Cervantes. The reader as hero…. (and remember that Quixote was a heavy reader and a soldier-poet, a combustible mixture.) I hope we can recreate a bit of those celebrated quiet pleasures Borges so gently offered so many times…  The way he used language. The way he explored knowledge and found amusement and material for reflection–not always…

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Sunday, November 18th:
Ron Crotty / Frank Phipps Duo

Sunday, November 18th – 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. which way west? Sunday concert series. Never a cover charge, but your generous donations help us pay the musicians.  All ages welcome! Ron Crotty is one of the very top players who link us directly back to the fertile San Francisco jazz scene of the late 1940s and the 1950s. A frequent presence on the Bird & Beckett stage over the past several years, Ron’s professional history dates to 1949 with the first Dave Brubeck Trio and subsequent decades of work with the likes of Vince Guaraldi, Cal Tjader, Paul Desmond, Virgil Gonzalves, Brew Moore, Wally Rose, Earl Hines and Sarah Vaughan. Witness this photo, Frank Phipps‘ history on the local jazz scene goes right back into the heart of the 1950s.  The compact horn Frank plays these days is a marching trombone — a valve trombone about the size of a…

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Sunday, November 11th:
Hawkeye – a jazz quartet

Sunday, November 11th — 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. which way west? Sunday concert series. Your generous donations help us pay the bands.  All ages welcome! Mas Koga (sax). Grant Levin (piano). Sam Bevan (bass). Bryan Bowman (drums). Hawkeye is a collaboration of extremely fine young jazz players–all active musicians on the local scene who have been heard at the bookshop on a number of occasions with various groups. All four are frequently heard around town in countless exciting combinations and more venues than you’d think. We’re more than pleased to present their quartet called Hawkeye, a project that has produced a terrific cd and much fine & adventurous music. Expect a wonderful afternoon following this unit as they take the music some exciting directions, traveling the “joy road” that’s classic modern jazz!

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Sunday, November 11th
Two poets read their work
Katherine Hastings and Toni Mirosevich

Sunday, November 11th – 2:00 pm Katherine Hastings grew up in the Cow Hollow neighborhood of San Francisco, a city that has deeply influenced her poems.  She is the author of Cloud Fire (Spuyten Duyvil NYC, 2012) and several chapbooks, including Updraft (Finishing Line, 2010).  Her poems have appeared in numerous journals, anthologies, and other publications including The Book of Forms — A Handbook of Poetics, Lewis Turco, ed. (2012); the Comstock Review; Parthenon West Review; Rattle; Beatitude Golden Anniversary; Calyx; and many others.  She is the host of WordTemple on NPR affiliate KRCB FM and curator of the WordTemple Poetry Series in Sonoma County, Ca.  Her Small Change Series of WordTemple Press has published beat poet David Meltzer, San Francisco poet laureate emerita devorah major, and many others, as well as the anthology What Redwoods Know — Poems from California State Parks (all proceeds benefit the State parks).  In…

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Monday, November 5th
POETS! on food and love
Jennifer Barone reads from Saporoso
in a program with Jacques Korn

Monday, November 5th – 7:00 p.m. Featured poets plus an open mic on the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month, with m.c. Jerry Ferraz, peripatetic troubadour. Both poets will be reading poems on food and love, sometimes, though not necessarily, at the same time… Jennifer Barone reads from her new book Saporoso – poems of Italian food & love. Jennifer hosts the long-running monthly WordParty poetry & jazz night at Viracocha and is a winner of the SF Public Library’s 2012 Poets Eleven city-wide poetry contest for North Beach, district 3. Visit www.thewordparty.com for more info on Jennifer. Jacques Korn springs from France and now Sausalito. He is a celebrated featured poet in most popular, local venues for poetry, and is also a filmmaker.  Jacques’ recent film, titled “In the moment”, features local San Francisco poets on the poetry scene. Bring your own work for the open mic, or…

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Cease Fire

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Fair Play Initiative


Your donation to the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project helps us pay for a multitude of operating expenses necessary to present, promote and preserve local music, poetry, and more.

Help us keep the arts alive and thriving!

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project was created in 2007 "to present, document and archive the creative work of significant living writers and musicians in the San Francisco Bay Area, for a neighborhood audience and future generations." We've been doing that very thing for more than a decade and a half, continuing the work we began when the store was established in 1999.

Due to lapses in tax filings during and post-pandemic, the BBCLP's status as a registered nonprofit was suspended at the beginning of April 2024 while we reapply, which is expected to take about six months. Donations made after April 1st will not be tax-deductible until nonprofit status is restored.

However, we continue to present a full slate of programming live music and poetry, and producing literary chapbooks, and we seek and welcome your continued financial support in the interim. If a tax-deduction is not a major reason for your support to date, we hope you'll continue to ride with us while we navigate these next several months.

Click on "donate" in the navigation bar above, drop off a check at the bookshop, or drop one in the mail to:

Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project
653 Chenery Street
San Francisco, CA 94131

Call us at (415) 586-3733 to find out how else you might lend your support.


To take our SURVEY, click here, and help the BBCLP get to know you better! As Duke Ellington always said, we love you madly...

The Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project

Our events are put on under the umbrella of the Bird & Beckett Cultural Legacy Project (the "BBCLP"). That's how we fund our ambitious schedule of 300 or so concerts and literary events every year.

The BBCLP is a [Read More ]


The Independent Musicians Alliance

Gigging musicians! You have nothing to lose but your lack of a collective voice to achieve fair wages for your work!
The IMA can be a conduit for you, if you join in to make it work.


Read more here - Andy Gilbert's Feb 25 article about the IMA from KQED's site
